I mean this genuinely when I say, kudos to you for avoiding Chinese made good as that aligns with your values. Personally, I think it would be nearly impossible to actually do so. Many of the components in your phone/computer are likely made in China. Really, any electronic device, like a fridge, microwave, car etc is going to have parts made in China. Now yes, I'm sure there will be the odd example that doesn't.
May be impossible to completely avoid but very easy when it comes to food where country of origin and % Aussie ingredients are required on label. To ensure food security, it is always best to support local growers and Australia's superior food safety standards.
FYI most of my electronics are Samsung they closed all Chinese manufacturing in 2019 (and the items I have from them before that were not made in China) their factories are now only in Vietnam, India, Brazil, Indonesia and South Korea.
For travel though extremely easy to avoid contributing tourist/business dollars to regimes you fundamentally are at odds with - don't go or transit there and don't fly their airlines.
Many things in the world have shades of grey but to me there is no grey when it comes to QR its black and white - staff working for their companies at the airport forced the passengers off the planes, conducted the illegal physical assaults. They are on the black list.
Like many others here I do not believe that increasing QR flights will bring down airfares and even QR admit this.
As to whether it would materially increase tourism we would need to see the breakdown of people who fly QR to/from Aus.
If its just facilitating more overseas travel by Aussies then that is taking money out of our economy; vs if materially bringing more foreigners in. The ME is NOT a huge market for Aussie tourism, so it comes down to how many Europeans would choose a ME transit over an Asian one. Lets see the stats.
I also find it amusing that so many here think there has to be only 1 single reason for the ministers decision. Few government decisions are decided on one factor, its clear the assault is a contributing factor; as were the other objections (someone other than QF also lodged an objection).