Also, many of us have a foot in both camps, so do have some VA points up our sleeves.
The carp VA web site wouldn't be an issue - QF has now got their own!
Not the only one with a foot in each camp.
But it is interesting that we have seen both VA and QF go through web site problems and both seemed to have had a rather reactive and poorly co-ordinated response to their problems.
Leaving aside the inconsistencies in both products dependant on aircraft type, its almost like both are engaged in a race to be merely 'adequate' rather than to lead the field. From many comments around here the crowd seem to often reach similar but not identical points of comparison along the lines of....
Good product
Larger domestic route network
Shrinking International network
OW benefits enhanced
Good web site
Lots of PR and spin
Often poor redemption value
Partially engaged company rep
Good service recovery in IIROPS
Generally reliable OTP except for rare but spectacular "self grounding"
A middle easten based 'Big Brother'
Increasingly seen as SYD centric
Famous for giving their Asian partner the big middle finger
Improving product
Less developed domestic network
Growing but still not satisfactory International partners
Poor co-ordination with partners
Bad to average website that lost functionality in Jan
Lots of PR and spin
Variable redemption value
Company rep absent but returned to service after web site problems
Not so good service recovery when things go wrong
Not quite big enough to attract disenfranchised ADL PER based customers
A different middle eastern based big brother
Some problems with ongoing rescheduling/cancellation of flights
Alliance with a strong SE Asian carrier but could be better integrated