Oh. Dame O has surfaced this morning. We are meeting for a leisurely breakfast in the dining room shortly.
Dame O is on ship Internet so her speed will be reduced. I'm on an Optus travel plan until Sri Lanka so am saving my wifi plan for later.
I expect the spa area will be deserted so will take some pictures of that for those interested.
Some snaps from this morning berthing.
Under the care of a watchful tug as the thrusters are deployed as we move into the berth.
This poor ship needed some extra nudging as the large Dame (QM2

) takes up a lot of space.
Oops. An unfortunate event has clearly arisen on the ship. Each night we are delivered a daily schedule of events for the next day. Excursions etc etc plus Harbour times, performances etc. Mine was delivered quite early yesterday so you can get a bit confused.
As we are heading east then we will get quite a few time adjustments. Yay. Extra time. Last night's Daily programme said that we were to wind the clocks back overnight. Which means - tonight! Not the night you receive the bulletin.
So clearly this morning there has been a kerfuffle and they've had to announce the correct time as excursions were already due to leave and people aren't showing up. They adjusted their clocks already.
Such is life on a ship. Wait - what time is it?