...Anyway back to the Carbon tax. A reasonable article-
Calculating costs of the carbon tax...
To get from where we will be in say 3 - 5 years to 5% BELOW 2000 emissions is a BIG ask. A$131 per tonne of CO2 is not unreasonable and will totally change everything. What amazes me is Hansen and others are keeping quite on the rapidly melting ice cube (the Arctic Ice Cap) and what will happen as it starts to melt out in the hotter and hotter Arctic Summer months. It is if they do not want to say, sorry folks but we are too later. It is time to switch horses and now work to mitigate the negative effects to protect Australia, our GDP and way of life.
Oh BTW is current effective strength of CH4, Methane, is now rated at 72 times that of CO2 and not 25. Why the change? Because before the rating was based on the 100 year life span of CO2. But as Methane only lasts about 25 years, the effective real effect, over its shorter life span, is much greater. So with Methane at about 2,000 ppb or 2 ppm, that is an effective value of CO2 of 142 ppm. With CO2 at 395 ppm that gives us an effective value of CO2 + CH4 (CO2e) at 537 ppm. :shock: Well beyond anything anybody predicted in their worst case projections. No wonder the mass of the floating Arctic Ice Cap is dropping like a rock.
Since 1979, the Arctic Ice Cap has lost approx 12,000 cubic kms of ice or a piece of ice 1 km high, 1 km wide and 12,000 km long. That is a LOT of ICE that is needed to keep the Arctic sea and land cold during the hotter summer months. Just like an Ice Cube or 2 keeps your glass of single malt Scotch cold. That is until they melt and then the temperature of the Scotch rapidly climbs to room temperature.
Anybody for a room temperature Arctic?
Found this graphic of the global distribution of Methane. Either there are a LOT of cows emitting Methane in the Arctic or something else is releasing the Methane:
So guys talk all you want about who said what, when and why but it is not having any effect in dealing with this. We can't stop the Arctic Ice Cap from melting nor can we stop the increase rate of Methane release in the Arctic nor can we stop global temperature rises of many degrees.
Our government needs to address what is going to happen to Australia, our main trading partners, their main trading partners and now we can best deal with it while ensuring we have the most reliable supply of electricity in the world.
A Carbon Tax will not and can not fix that.
Soon Methane will overtake CO2 as the biggest GHG. I really do not believe I'm saying this but we would be mad to stop burning coal and mad to not start building a lot of Nukes. Why? Because we will need the energy to run a LOT of Desal plants as when the record and current La Nina moves away and is replaced by a El Nino, Oz will again turn into a very burnt piece of toast and our cities will need the Desal plants to survive.