Thats a classic example of a large business having 'silos' and the law unintended consequences - you can bet that the person whom first thought up/implemented checked in luggage fees as an additional revenue source sure does
not pay the wages of these guys here, and is
not responsible for on-time performance of the aircraft or indeed the safety of the ground crew.
Or here is another way of thinking about it - compare the $$/hour cost of implementing and enforcing a sensible checked baggae and hand luggage policy vs the $$/hour of that B757 sitting on the tarmac being late to its next destination, or indeed building a checked luggage allowance into each airfare and then using the existing check-in baggage infrastructure already at the airport. :shock: Pinching the pennies and throwing away the pounds!
Thats a "de-bottle necking" guru's next contract right there.