The sushi restaurant was basically unrecognisable to us. Have had a huge makeover and gone computerised.
You check in at a machine which gives you your seat number and an order number. At the end you take that ticket back to the front,scan the QR code on it and it prints out your bill and then insert cash or card to pay.
It had also been enlarged and at ~5pm it was almost full.
Everything is automatically delivered to your table. So our drinks coming.
It was really quite good. I had my Uni which I really like and tried tempura burdock which I had only had pickled before. I prefer the pickles.
On waking the next morning the weather hadn't changed.
I had to take the car back to town. Filled the tank which took 2.25 litres for ~110 km. Once again the pump attendant went out on the road so I could get out and drive the 5or 6 metres to the Toyota rental return next door. the fellow there saw me drive in so not even asked if the tnk was full just handed over the keys and walked off.
Probably signs of the tourist effect here as I walked back to the station to catch the hotel shuttle.
And a tori gate just on the street with no temple or shrine.