A bit off topic, but...
- the a history of zero fatalities from these pandemics (like SARS, MERS) etc in Australia due to various factors including proactive action by governments and others
- current medical advice for 2019-nCov is basically fluids, rest, 14days self isolation at home
- 2019-nCov is just the latest variety of viral "flu".
- we have around 1,000 deaths per year in AU from very similar viral "flu's"
I would like to clarify a couple of points.
1. There were no MERS patients in Aus. It has a Ro<1, so without the animal reserviour unable to propogate to pandemic.
There was 1 SARS patient who travelled through NSW. SARS has a case fatality rate of 10%. So unsurprising there was no mortality. I think no fatalities from 1 patient is not an indicator of effective biosecurity.
There are currently NINE confirmed 2019-nCoV patients in Oz. Two who had secondary travel, exposing several hundred (at least).
2. "current medical advice for 2019-nCov is basically fluids, rest, 14days self isolation at home" which is true for those who remain relatively asymptomatic. The Lancet article outlined the experience of 99 patients. 76% required oxygen. I don't know how many Australian households have an oxygen delivery device at home.
3. "2019-nCov is just the latest variety of viral "flu"." It is not a flu. Just as SARS, MERS and for that matter EBOLA is not a flu. It is a betacoronavirus. It has different viral biology, pathophysiology. Influenza has been extensively studied. It has had clinical trial - to evaluate the effectiveness of different therapies. It has a effective vaccine that decreases infection rates by 60%. It has a public vaccination program. It has a public education program for both the community and health care providers. It has seasonal planning with essentially a years run up. 2019-nCoV has NONE of these.
4."we have around
1,000 deaths per year in AU from very similar viral "flu's". Australia has 310,000 cases of confirmed influenza last year. That is despite a vaccination rate of about 40%.
1000 people died, despite planning, vaccination, education, proven therapies, in a high income first world system.
2019-nCoV has a case fatality rate of an order higher. No community vaccine, unlikely community immunity.
It is grossly simplistic to dismiss this as a "flu"
The first step is education and preparedness.