48hrs for AD1,000 - seems like a deal and half to me:
朋友们,好好活着,我们还赶得上,到时相约在跨国高铁上【转】北京-墨尔本13000公里。 该条高铁起点为北京,经京广线,南广线由南宁进入中南半岛、马来半岛的河内、万象、曼谷、吉隆坡,新加坡等重要城市,再穿越马六甲海峡隧道进入印尼的苏门答腊岛和爪哇岛等印尼群岛,途径雅加达、万隆等印尼城市,经由印尼古邦至澳洲北领地首府达尔文市的全长550公里的跨海大桥进入澳洲大陆,沿澳大利亚东海岸经凯恩斯、布里斯班、悉尼,堪培拉至列车终点站墨尔本。
该工程由中铁建、中交建总承包,工程全长13000公里,为全程高架铁路,设计跨海隧道2座,跨海大桥5座,设计最高时速为400公里每小时,计划总投资4600亿美元,由中国主导的亚投行向沿线各国提供融资支持。 工程完工后由墨尔本至北京的高铁预计在48小时之内到达,票价控制在1000澳币以内,预计每年旅客吞吐量达两亿人次,每年为沿途各国带来直接经济效益超过2000亿美元,工程预计将于2016年底开工,2019年初竣工通车。高铁沿途可以欣赏到澳洲、东南亚和大陆的不同风土人情和自然景观,还可以品尝到各种风味的美食,列车每到一个国家均由该国乘务员提供服务,为铁路沿线的各国居民旅游、商务出行提供了一个良好的出行选择。
My friends, live well, we can still make it. We'll meet you at the International High-Speed Rail, 13,000 kilometers from Beijing to Melbourne. The high-speed rail line starts from Beijing via the Beijing-Guangzhou line and enters Hanoi, Vientiane, Bangkok and Kuala Lumpur from Nanning into the Indo-China Peninsula and the Malay Peninsula, Important cities such as Singapore cross the Malacca Strait Tunnel into the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Java, via Jakarta, Bandung and other Indonesian cities, Crossing the 550-km bridge from Kupang, Indonesia to Darwin, the capital of Australia's Northern Territory, into the Australian mainland, via Cairns, Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra to Melbourne, along the east coast of Australia.
The project was contracted by the China Railway Corporation and the Ministry of Communications, with a total project length of 13,000 kilometers, The China-led Asian Investment Bank (AIIB) provides financing support to countries along the Trans-Sea Tunnel (CHT) and the Cross-Sea Bridge (CHT) with a design maximum speed of 400 km/h for a total planned investment of $460 billion. The high-speed train from Melbourne to Beijing is expected to arrive within 48 hours after the project is completed. Fares are limited to A$1,000, With an estimated 200 million passenger movements per year, direct economic benefits for the countries along the way exceed $200 billion, the project is expected to commence by the end of 2016 and be completed by early 2019. Along the way, the high-speed rail can appreciate the different local conditions and natural landscapes in Australia, Southeast Asia and mainland China, Also can taste the delicious food, the train goes to each country to provide the service by the country's steward, provides a good choice for the residents of the countries along the railway travel, business travel.
Everybody, take care of yourself. Three years from now, we'll take the train and go on a cross-border trip.