So chaps, can you go downmarket for a mo and give me some advice. Due to health issues MrMac can no longer drink alcohol of any description (so much for the giant wine fridge in the garage which is full of treasures) I have a designated driver which is good, but a grumpy husband who looks askance when I have a second glass!! I prefer whites but don't drink every night

So I have been pouring out plenty of half bottles which seems such a waste. I am seriously thinking of trying a wine cask......however as it's been about 50 years since I had to drink the stuff I've no idea what's poison and what might be quaffable. Sauv blanc is my preference. Any ideas or suggestions please
I hear your plight MrsMacs. Sad times. Alas, there is a season for fancy wine fringes stocked with fine wines, and there is a season for SBs in a cask.
There was an interesting discussion on the vinomofo thread on keeping opened wines a few weeks back. Most of the contributors were very good at polishing off their wine, either as they had big drinking boots or a loved one to help. But like you I am a lone drinker (my wife doesn't drink). So I did pay some attention to all the useful tips.
I mostly drink good reds, which will last more than one evening, but I did pick up one new trick from my fellow Fo blog friends that might be useful to pass on to you - use 375mm bottles.
It makes sense - if you drink 3 glasses a night, you then pour the rest into a smaller bottle for the next night, and slow down the oxidisation process to keep the wine drinkable for the next night. I thought it was a great idea, but have no idea if it works for SB.
Your alternative is the cask wines if you are a SB only drinker, and from a few reviews I have read, you can get your good easy drinking SBs in cask form. I have no idea which ones, as I seem to have been bitten by the fine red wine bug, but I am pretty sure some googling will give you the solution you are looking for.
Otherwise, you will have to switch to the red side like Sedimental ...!!