It has been both interesting and a bit scary reading the 29 pages or so of this Thread. So far I would summarise that there are a great number of apparently unhappy and disappointed QFFs out there. Many of these are long term, regular, loyal and high status fliers.
It's more we can see the direction it is taking and we do not like it. Some of the recent changes (which have minimal cost savings) are a big "FU" to some of the airlines loyal customers.
Perhaps at this point we could take a step back, just for a minute or so, and look at things from a different angle. The world economy ... in one word um I would say (after some careful consideration) “stuffed” for now and a fair time ahead at least. The USA is as good as bankrupt and is likely to have its Triple A credit rating downgraded whether or not it raises its debt ceiling, the Chinese own a lot of USA debt, the PIIGS economies of Europe are also in severe strife and here in Australia it really isn’t that good unless you are in the mining industry or one level down from that. As for myself, I’m involved in a number or businesses and one of them is advising other business on cash flow problems, administration and Insolvency. We are always busy and despite the economy being talked up here in Australia, there is no let up in our workload currently. As for retail, we see a huge swing in the market from buying in shops to buying online which has already started and will grow at a geometric rate. (My tip here ... start a courier business) Australia is one of the best performing economies currently and things are still not that good here! There is just not that much money around to spend folks. We are going through hard times.
No arguments from me there, those with money and power have really stuffed things up.
Now back to Qantas. JB was passed over for the top job and it seems from this thread that some think that he would have been better than AJ. We will never know except perhaps from analysing his performance at VA. So far he appears to have done well but let’s see if it continues after the “initial passion” has passed. If I had to pick from the two ... and I don’t know either of them personally... I would pick AJ hands down.
JB is turning DJ's traditional market right around. Whilst DJ is not there yet, this is the first time where we really could have an Ansett Mark 3 (without the financial ruin \ company collapse which happened to the first two). A second full service airline is something we need.
At Qantas, AJ is faced with an ageing fleet, a middle management which is very heavy on cost and airline staff who are paid in general much more money than similar staff in other airlines which are based overseas. How can you compete? You either have to get staff to take less money, which is very hard, if not impossible and/or slowly move to a cost base which is aligned with your competitors internationally whilst retaining your good staff, keeping them smiling and easing out staff who do not now fit. That is what he is trying to do. He comes from an accounting background and that can be seen by how he concentrates his time in certain specific areas, mostly to do with costs and revenues and not in the areas of customer care and staff team building. A problem I think AJ has is that he just doesn’t have the right people around him to help in these other areas. This is quite apparent from this thread which concentrates on poor and inconsistent service levels for customers and some happy and buoyant but generally sad staff on the planes. You do need to have the right team around you otherwise you can’t delegate and the result is what we are seeing. So, if I was AJ now I would spend a little time to get the right top level team around me; Use my Executive and Non-Executive Directors to help me get that right team. Have them earn their money! Once that is in place AJ can continue to concentrate on the areas he works best in and the customer service and staff morale will begin to improve. I have a list of matters in three priority grades I would deal with if I had got to this stage. Obviously mine would not be the same as AJs but the website would be one of the first!
AJ is faced with some interesting problems, but among the ageing fleet, middle management and all the other issues that legacy carriers have, they also have a very strong brand. That brand is QF's biggest asset, it's also the one asset they can not insure, and is the one asset which they are most likely to lose and it's the one asset they can not replace.
Money on the bottom line is great when looking at a quarter or annual figures. But after you've trashed the brand, trashed the loyalty and trashed the company to get those great figures then what? You won't have anything left to sell off to make next year a profitable one, and you can't call on your loyal customers to come to your rescue as you don't have any.
Don't get me wrong, bottom line is important, but it's not everything. Treating it as if it's the one and only important thing is a sure way to fail.
I would also build the Qantas Ambassador program. I would be hunting Cadel Evans right now I think.
Why? Name one time you've booked a flight because John Travolta is an ambassador. They are one of those touchy feely marketing exercises that marketing departments love, which has little or no effect on the bottom line.
I’m sure we probably all know this but customers on average complain somewhere between 8 and 11 times more than they complement. People like to grumble.
Sort of right, if a person has a bad experience they will tell roughly 10 people, if they have a good one they will tell roughly 3 people. But it also goes deeper than that, it's easier and cheaper to sell to an existing customer (by a factor of 10 from memory) than it is to try and win a new customer over. Thus 1 loyal customer is worth about 10 potential customers in terms of marketing effort which is required to win them over.
I’m not sure how many staff Qantas has but aren’t there some 7m Frequent flyers? Could all of us FFs perhaps paraphrase from one of the lines of a very old speech and ask ourselves ‘not what Qantas can do for us but rather what we can do for Qantas’. When I fly, even if the staff are unhappy I try my best to cheer them up. I always collect all my rubbish and leave my seat and the magazines clean and tidy. I don’t leave the little sink filled with water and I wipe around the sink. If we all helped it would be a lot better Qantas even from this moment onwards. When you next fly or are in the QP have a little think about that.
Let’s try and support Qantas and get it back as the best Australia has to offer in terms of flying.
With 7m frequent flyers, how many are QFF's simply because it came with wollies everyday rewards membership? Back in the bad old days you used to have to purchase membership, thus even a NB had made a financial commitment to be a loyal customer. These days a NB could have never steped on a plane in their life and yet they are a "Frequent Flyer". The whole idea of "not what Qantas can do for us but rather what we can do for Qantas" I really don't get. I paid them money to fly me from A to B with a level of service. They are not my friends, they are a vendor and I am a customer, nothing less nothing more.
That said I won't be an coughhole towards them or their staff, but on that token QF are not flying me from A to B out of the goodness of their own heart.
Also why should I support QF? I am loyal to them because I like the company and I like what they where (and to a degree are), but if they change too much for the worse and \ or show me that my loyalty means nothing to them I will have no problems changing carriers.