Now let's go outside.
Pic below, that big silver in the middle is south side, the blue huts is the north side.
Look at the top floor of the south side building, there is like a CCTV every 1m apart.
With the picture below, look on the far left, at a long distance, you would see a flag pole. That is the flag of south Korea.
let me zoom in for you
And this one is the flag of Korea, right here on our north side. They face against each other on a straight line, but they are I would say 1km to 2 km apart
He is the general who had been guiding us, and giving us the tour / information.
OK, this is me. There is a side show to this.
Remember how we must never photo any military / personnel? Well, this general was very nice. He was willing to take 1 on 1 photo with quite a few people, started with a bunch of Germans, then our tour group, including the 2 x Sydneysiders and 1 kiwi. I then asked the kiwi to take photo for me. The Chinese group spotted us, came over, the general saw the Chinese group, he freaked, he waved his hand to signal 'no more photos', then ran off.
That's why the awkward facial expressions from the both of us (yep, the Chinese tourists were to the right of this photo, the direction where the general was looking, and the general was starting his escape right at this moment)
I think the Koreans are more scared of the Chinese than the Americans in the current period.
Time to leave. A soldier would board our bus, and watch our drive to drive us out, then exit our bus.
While the general is here, let me show you this pin on his chest again.
This is the pin of the President and Chairman. Every party member has one and wears it. You would notice a lot of people in Pyongyang wearing it while in the streets. Poor farmers, not so. Our tour guides didn't wear them while they were taking us to 'normal' places, but they always wore them while we went to official places, like here, or the Palace.
This is also why you must never buy any fake Korean stuffs from China before going into Korea, because those fake souvenirs from China have specific meanings and purposes in Korea.