The issue.
While seated in business class in row 1 we were asked to leave the plane to speak to a Qantas Exec who told us we were downgraded to Y and he gave us two new boarding passes. No choice. We had to move. We had a connecting International flight.
Yesterday we received the upgrade text for our flight ADL - Mel on Qantas. Sadly we didn’t get the same text for Mel - DPS but them’s the breaks.
Arrived at airport and checked luggage and off to QP. It was crowded. We ended up in the rear section next to two younger guys. They spoke loudly. So loud that when space freed up we moved. In the meantime we couldn’t help hear what they were saying to each other. We got the impression they were or had been working in the mines. They were off to Melbourne. Same flight as us.
Embarkation duly called and were seated for about 20 minutes. Everyone boarded. Then we overheard cabin crew say we were delayed because of two pilots who may or may not board.

. About five minutes later we two were asked to leave the plane to speak to an Exec.
He made sure we were not on the plane and we’re out of sight of the rest of the passengers. Said Sorry Sorry and handed us two boarding passes in Y. What do you do? No choice. I asked where the seats were. He said window and aisle.
We had to return to seats retrieve our things and go back to row 7. By which time other people had shifted to our seats. Kerfuffle. To make it worse - middle and aisle. The only middle seat occupied for multiple rows was me.
We looked up and saw those two young noisy men sit down.
The CSM was shocked and embarrassed and we reassured her she was doing great.
We have so many questions. How could this happen.
The two invaders had checked in and had boarding passes at the same time as we did. Were we already overbooked? We had to use Qantas counter checkin for later International transfer. Why didn’t it get picked up then. We had to scan passes at the QP at the same time as them. They were in the lounge for over an hour. Why didn’t it get picked it then?
They were 30 minutes late to board. They sure weren’t pilots - too young. Why did we get bumped for them? When were we bumped?
Anyone have any decent explanation because we just got a story full of discrepancies.