$30k credit limit on a pension how on Earth (pun intended) do they manage that!!
I previously had an Earth card which I cancelled after the double points promo and a string of bad experiences which had a credit limit over $20k. I have since applied for the Earth+ promo and got offered less than $4k!!!!!
There is just no logic to their assignment of credit limits, I earn more now than a year ago with expenses relatively the same. Only thing is I wanted to transfer $15k at the 0.99% intro rate from my Amex Rewards Maximiser since I'd just bought a car and thought it'd be nice to not have to pay it off for another 6 months!
The branch manager I spoke to said that wouldn't make a difference as they assess the application based on all credit limits, assuming all cards were maxed out. She also said that it must have been a mistake for them to give me so much the first time based on my financial!!
Oh well, so at least its 15,000 points, no fee and $3,600 which I don't have to pay off for 6 months, still better than nothing even if I leave the cash in my bank account i'll get $100 interest