So here I was on my circuitous way to an FT do. I was in transit in SYD. So I sit down at a long table and shortly after a very colourful gentleman sits down at the end of the table. I bury my head in my work. Then shortly after , another person approaches and strikes up a conversation with vcg. Turns up it is Dr Karl Kruzelnicki.
Wow, someone famous. Shortly after , his flight is called, he excuses himself, and heads off for his flight.
I relax. Five minutes later, gentleman approaches talking on mobile, back to me, sits down nearby. Was very quiet and considerate.Some minutes later, he turns around , and I recognize former Qld and Australian cricketer, Mr Adam Gilchrist. He continues mobile phone call for about 30 minutes, always very quiet, and considerate of other guests.
Soon after, my flight is called, and walk to gate. Boarding Pass is scanned. Uh oh, it beeps ...Oh Mr JohnSydney2000, our flight is very full, and we need to seat you at the front of the plane to fit other passengers on the plane. No problems, I say, just bring back anytime access as well. Only glitch, I have to wait till last, and be escorted on the plane. Final group to board is a large sporting group...the Sri Lanka cricket team.
Wow, I rarely recognise famous people; and all this happened very recently over about 90 minutes.
Then I spent quite a few hours later in the day with many famous people from this forum...but that is for another story. John.