Alaskan Airlines miles deals pop up about 4 times a year with big bonus free (miles) but looks like they are now getting more frequent and boy oh boy they are a steal. And joining AS milage plan is free!.
I purchased some 120K AS miles in Dec. last, booked 2 x J to HKG return for a mere AUD$3100 last week for May next, that was with 35% free miles, now this latest offer has a 40% bonus.
Keep in mind AS Partners don't fly everywhere using these miles, but hey they do go to
many cities/countries. One should research availability with CX 1st as its the only airline not showing on AS site, rest can be seen on AS site. Out of OZ to USA it is however hard to find J seas, PE & Y (coach) no problem.
An Example: SYD/HKG/ORD 120K miles (CX) in J return at current cost under 3 grand, hello!