how do they compare with the QF 380 product? Same principle
Well, I'm not serfty, but have experienced both the 380 and the CX seats.
I think there are three types of seats around, those that recline fully (that we're all used to), those that recline a little and the base comes forward a little (eg. many newer style seats, have seen these on TG, EK, SQ 330 and the QF A380) and the CX style seats that come forward a lot and don't recline at all.
I personally hate being reclined on and find the most comfortable position actually only a little recline so I think the new style semi-recline seats are a good compromise. I am 6' and had no issues with the CX seats, but then again, I only used them for about 4-5 hours of the 16 hour flight, as I had three of them to myself. My main complaint was the seatbelt was very uncomfortable (IIRC it has an airbag), when laying out across the three seats