Fly365 - Gone!

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hard to prove especially when much of "work" seems to have been done overseas, so many jurisdictions & probably many banks accounts in different countries.

The directors might be in hiding overseas & not cooperating with administrator. Who knows whether administrator will ever see all the books.

Many online agents phones get answered where labour in cheap, like Philippines, India etc. eg. had to phone Aunt Betty (flight Centre) once & think it was answered in MNL.

Even American Airlines phones are answered in many countries. Some they don't even fly to like Fiji when labour is very cheap (but they do have codeshare flights there)
hard to prove especially when much of "work" seems to have been done overseas, so many jurisdictions & probably many banks accounts in different countries.

The directors might be in hiding overseas & not cooperating with administrator. Who knows whether administrator will ever see all the books.

Many online agents phones get answered where labour in cheap, like Philippines, India etc.

Even American Airlines phones are answered in many countries. Some they don't even fly to like Fiji when labour is very cheap (but they do have codeshare flights there)

Might be hard to chase down. But it is illegal.

Allegedly Bestjet was run behind the scenes by a banned insolvent bankrupt (from AirAustralia) who put his wife up front and pretended she was running the company.
Might be hard to chase down. But it is illegal.

Allegedly Bestjet was run behind the scenes by a banned insolvent bankrupt (from AirAustralia) who put his wife up front and pretended she was running the company.
not sure how you can stop it. You have to let bankrupts work
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saw figure of 65% of airline bookings in Australia made via agents. May have been referring to international flights only.

Agents often have deals online can't even get close to.

Am sure the Flight Centres of this world are offered deals to push 1 airline or 1 route & either given exclusive to low fare or allocations at low price.

Big difference in searching for flights & talking to someone who might say, instead of flying A to B with airline C, if you flew A to B via D with airline E, you'll save $1000 each. Might involve a stopover at D, but with that $1000 more than pays for a few nights stop. Happened to us when going to USA a few years ago.

Wild when you think about it, but do they really?
Can't remember a time when I've used an agent and not had something coughed up.
Wild when you think about it, but do they really?
Can't remember a time when I've used an agent and not had something ****ed up.
yeah think about it. Flight centre alone must account for huge chunk.

You must be using the wrong travel agent. Like any industry, plenty of idiots around.

Would only ever use one, that specialises in area we're going to. No agent can know everything.
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Wild when you think about it, but do they really?
Can't remember a time when I've used an agent and not had something ****ed up.

Yes and No.

I'm a bit of an omnivore and dabbled here and there.

I have through various circumstances/necessity (over a protracted period time) used Fright Centre for bookings maybe 5-6 times. I can't recall a single instance that didn't cause me pain or additional expense/effort one way or another. Hidden charges, inflexibility, wrong name on ticket, chase half a dozen times to get an answer, anything and everything.

I have used a storefront travel agent (small owner/operator businesses) a couple times over the years before the age of Dr Google and had flawless informed service.

That being said, I generally do my own research on airfares and most often book direct with the carrier. There are exceptions and IIRC used an OTA three times because the deal was much better than I could do myself.

I got taken by Expedia once when they quoted me a price in AUD and then charged me in USD. It was for a domestic and I couldn't be bothered spending the time to chase the difference (when we were much closer to parity).
Yes and No.

I'm a bit of an omnivore and dabbled here and there.

I have through various circumstances/necessity (over a protracted period time) used Fright Centre for bookings maybe 5-6 times. I can't recall a single instance that didn't cause me pain or additional expense/effort one way or another. Hidden charges, inflexibility, wrong name on ticket, chase half a dozen times to get an answer, anything and everything.

I have used a storefront travel agent (small owner/operator businesses) a couple times over the years before the age of Dr Google and had flawless informed service.

That being said, I generally do my own research on airfares and most often book direct with the carrier. There are exceptions and IIRC used an OTA three times because the deal was much better than I could do myself.

I got taken by Expedia once when they quoted me a price in AUD and then charged me in USD. It was for a domestic and I couldn't be bothered spending the time to chase the difference (when we were much closer to parity).
off topic, but that reminded me recently, I hate paypal, and refuse to use it unless I have to, I recently made some hotel bookings via agoda,
I usually use my amex, and all is good, this time I paid in AUD as per usual, got charged 3% currency conversion fee,

not sure why, but im thinking next time I might need to use paypal, as ive never been charged a currency conversion fee on there
off topic, but that reminded me recently, I hate paypal, and refuse to use it unless I have to, I recently made some hotel bookings via agoda,
I usually use my amex, and all is good, this time I paid in AUD as per usual, got charged 3% currency conversion fee,

not sure why, but im thinking next time I might need to use paypal, as ive never been charged a currency conversion fee on there
Again OT but I used PayPal for a transaction that never went through. Was called a couple of weeks later by Qld Police as they were investigating fraud committed by that merchant and it seems that somehow PayPal had picked that up and had cancelled the transaction before I knew anything about it.
Again OT but I used PayPal for a transaction that never went through. Was called a couple of weeks later by Qld Police as they were investigating fraud committed by that merchant and it seems that somehow PayPal had picked that up and had cancelled the transaction before I knew anything about it.
Are you sure it was paypal picking it up and not your bank?
Thought that was more banking territory
I hate paypal, and refuse to use it unless I have to,

Continuing the OT...

My experience has been paypal is very beneficial if anything goes awry.

Goods not turning up or service not delivered as expected and a refund within short order after they go through their "processes".

Many merchants seem to be desperate to keep paypal happy as they will replace goods without any fuss.
Continuing the OT...

My experience has been paypal is very beneficial if anything goes awry.

Goods not turning up or service not delivered as expected and a refund within short order after they go through their "processes".

Many merchants seem to be desperate to keep paypal happy as they will replace goods without any fuss.
yes OT, but
ive never heard a merchant being happy about paypal as their default is to side with buyers
yes OT, but
ive never heard a merchant being happy about paypal as their default is to side with buyers
yes heard one merchant who had a fight with paypal over a non-refundable travel booking.

Paypal sided with buyer for some strange reason, even though booking was clearly non-refundable & so merchant had to close his bank account linked to paypal, so Paypal couldn't get the funds & don't think he accepted Paypal again.
Yikes! Bought some cheap J tickets on CI for the end of the year on Fly365. It looked like they hadn't gotten the airline to issue the tickets after my credit card was charged. After 2 weeks of waiting for the tickets to be issued, I got fed up with waiting and started to hassle them. Glad I did coz the tickets were issued a few days later and before Fly365 went into liquidation!
Same here. Needed my e-ticket no. so hassled Fly365 about it as Qatar Air said they couldn't give it to me until payment was made. Tickets still showing as valid so I'm hoping I missed a bullet
just recd this email dated yesterday. Must have been on their email list

5 March 2020

FLY365 PTY LTD (In Liquidation)

ACN 606 601 521

Formerly Trading As Fly365.Com

("the Company")

Frequently Asked Questions

On 21 February 2020, Mr Nicarson Natkunarajah of Roger and Carson Pty Limited was appointed Liquidator of the Company. On 2 March 2020, Vincent Pirina and I of Veritas Advisory were appointed as additional liquidators to assist with the liquidation of the Company.

We are dealing with a substantial number of customer queries and your patience is appreciated whilst we conduct our investigations into the affairs of the Company.

If you would like to receive notices and documents in relation to the liquidation, please nominate an email address to which notices and documents can be sent to you by sending an email to [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> .

Summarised below are a number of frequently asked questions we are currently receiving regarding the administration of the Company.



I wish to obtain a copy of the Liquidators’ reports/circular to creditors, where can I obtain a copy?

We have created a landing page on our website which we will use as a platform to upload all our reports/circulars in relation to this matter, which can be assessed from: Veritas Advisory - Fly365 Pty Ltd ACN 606 601 521 (In Liquidation) <Veritas Advisory - Fly365 Pty Ltd ACN 606 601 521 (In Liquidation)>

What date did the Company cease trading?

The Company ceased trading on or around 21 February 2020.

My flight has been booked and I have received my flight ticket?

You should contact the airline to confirm your booking prior to travel.

My flight has been booked but I have not received my flight ticket?

You should contact the airline to confirm your booking. In the event that your flight is not confirmed you should contact your travel insurance provider (if applicable) or your credit card provider (if applicable) and request a refund. If you do not receive a refund you may rank as an unsecured creditor of the Company and should complete the attached Proof of Debt form and return it to our office at [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> .

My flight has been booked, paid for, I have not received my ticket and I have not received a refund?

You may be a creditor of the Company. You should complete the attached Proof of Debt form, together with supporting documentation to evidence your debt and return it to our office at [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> .

My airline has advised that my ticket has been cancelled, did the Liquidators request the airline to cancel my ticket?

The Liquidators have not advised any airline to cancel any tickets. If this has occurred you may rank as a creditor of the Company. In the event that you are a creditor of the company please complete the attached proof of debt form and email it to our office at [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> .

My travel insurer and / or my financial institution have provided me with a full refund?

You should advise our office at [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> that you are no longer a creditor of the Company and request that you be removed from the creditors listing.

My tickets have been cancelled are you able to reinstate my tickets?

No, the Liquidators are unable to reinstate your tickets.

Will the Liquidators refund or honour my ticket?

The Liquidators are unable to refund or honour any tickets which have not been honoured by the airlines.

Can the Liquidators confirm my booking?

No, you should contact the airline directly.

Can the Liquidators make any changes to my booking?

No, the Liquidators are unable to make any changes to bookings. You should contact the airline directly.

Should I cancel my flight, will I receive a refund?

No, funds are not able to be refunded.

Can you assist me with claiming a refund back from my travel insurer and / or financial institution?

No, you will need to arrange your own refund.

I have lodged a Proof of Debt Form, when am I likely to receive a dividend?

Any return to creditors is dependent upon any funds recovered by us. We are currently without any funds in the liquidation. We will notify you in writing should we recover sufficient funds to enable a payment of a dividend distribution to creditors.

I have been provided with a copy of your report to creditors but the amount recorded as owing to me is incorrect?

The amount owing to you is either provided by the Directors and / or obtained from the available books and records of the Company. In the event of any discrepancy you should lodge a Proof of Debt form at [email protected] <mailto:[email protected]> .

FORM 535


Subregulation 5.6.49(2)

ACN 606 601 521


To the Joint and Several Liquidators of Fly365 Pty Ltd (In Liquidation)

1.This is to state that the company was, on 21 February 2020 (1) and still is, justly and truly indebted to(2) (full name):


of (full address)

for $.................................................................................... dollars and......................................................... cents.

Particulars of the debt are:



state how the debt arose

Amount $

GST included $


include details of voucher substantiating payment

2.To my knowledge or belief the creditor has not, nor has any person by the creditor's order, had or received any manner of satisfaction or security for the sum or any part of it except for the following: ................................................................................

Insert particulars of all securities held. Where the securities are on the property of the company, assess the value of those securities. If any bills or other negotiable securities are held, specify them in a schedule in the following form:




Amount $ c

Due Date

I am not a related creditor of the Company (5)

I am a related creditor of the Company (5) relationship:_______________________________________________

If the form is being used for the purpose of voting at a meeting:

Is the debt you are claiming assigned to you?



If yes, attach written evidence of the debt, the assignment and consideration given.


If yes, what value of consideration did you give for the assignment (eg, what amount did you pay for the debt?)


3A.(6)* I am employed by the creditor and authorised in writing by the creditor to make this statement.I know that the debt was incurred for the consideration stated and that the debt, to the best of my knowledge and belief, still remains unpaid and unsatisfied.

3B.(6)* I am the creditor's agent authorised to make this statement in writing. I know that the debt was incurred and for the consideration stated and that the debt, to the best of my knowledge and belief, still remains unpaid and unsatisfied.

DATED this day of 2020

Signature of Signatory...................................................................................................................................................................

NAME IN BLOCK LETTERS........................................................................................................................................................



See Directions overleaf for the completion of this form



ADMIT (Voting / Dividend) - Ordinary


Date Received:

/ /

ADMIT (Voting / Dividend) – Preferential


Entered into CORE IPS:

Reject (Voting / Dividend)


Amount per ROCAP


Object or H/Over for Consideration


Reason for Admitting / Rejection





Proof of Debt Form Directions

* Strike out whichever is inapplicable.

(1) Insert date of Court Order in winding up by the Court, or date of resolution to wind up, if a voluntary winding up.

(2) Insert full name and address (including ABN) of the creditor and, if applicable, the creditor's partners. If prepared by an employee or agent of the creditor, also insert a description of the occupation of the creditor.

(3) Under "Consideration" state how the debt arose, for example "goods sold and delivered to the company between the dates of .....................................................", "moneys advanced in respect of the Bill of Exchange".

(4) Under "Remarks" include details of vouchers substantiating payment.

(5) Related Party / Entity: Director, relative of Director, related company, beneficiary of a related trust.

(6) If the Creditor is a natural person and this proof is made by the Creditor personally. In other cases, if, for example, you are the director of a corporate Creditor or the solicitor or accountant of the Creditor, you sign this form as the Creditor’s authorised agent (delete item 3A). If you are an authorised employee of the Creditor (credit manager etc), delete item 3B.


A. If space provided for a particular purpose in a form is insufficient to contain all the required information in relation to a particular item, the information must be set out in an annexure.

B. An annexure to a form must:

* have an identifying mark;

* and be endorsed with the words:

i. "This is the annexure of (insert number of pages) pages marked (insert an identifying mark) referred to in the (insert description of form) signed by me/us and dated (insert date of signing); and

* be signed by each person signing the form to which the document is annexed.

C. The pages in an annexure must be numbered consecutively.

D. If a form has a document annexed the following particulars of the annexure must be written on the form:

* the identifying mark; and

* the number of pages.

E. A reference to an annexure includes a document that is with a form.
hi all,
for obvious covid19 reasons i need to cancel my flight in July. i got confirmation on Qantas but they are not allowed me to do anything, just adviced me to contact agency...fly365.
Please any suggestion/idea what should I do?.
hi all,
for obvious covid19 reasons i need to cancel my flight in July. i got confirmation on Qantas but they are not allowed me to do anything, just adviced me to contact agency...fly365.
Please any suggestion/idea what should I do?.

I just had a similar issue with VA, the Ota turned off all phones and wouldn't reply to emails after being overwhelmed , I Tweeted VA but the reply was always " as the booking was done thru a third party they couldn't help". I called Amex platinum and asked for a dispute charge back, if your flight was cancelled or changed from what was booked they will process the charge back. Try your bank if paid via CC.
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