As a somewhat older person

(though reasonably fit) I have found that BMI values are incapable of really evaluating the underlying state of the body. Try
US Navy calculator which attempts to correct for muscle mass (versus FAT). I go from about BMI 30 to about 25 under the navy protocols.....
As far as the vaccine discussions go, there are a number of issues.
1. Underlying physical health and in particular your vitamin D levels. Anecdotal reporting indicates high/normal levels limits serious illness. Note: NOT prevention.
2. I wish the pharmaceutical industry regulators would apply the same evaluation standards which are being practiced with the vaccine rollout to the existing pharmaceuticals which seem to limit serious infection.
Most interesting comment in the alternative sites may be: Where are the double blind studies for masks? Note: In high density situations (ie public transport) masks are likely somewhat functional.
3. One cannot reasonably expect pharmaceutical companies (ie created to make a PROFIT) to create and evaluate studies of drugs which will not generate revenue.... Note: What companies fund the disease research centers?
The above requires far too much wandering