I am one of the unlucky ones to have been diagnosed with pericarditis following my first pfizer jab as a mid-twenties male (so a little older than the target of the article). I shared some of my experience in another
thread, and have had a couple more hospital admissions over the last week with worsening pain levels. It has been a physically and emotionally draining month beyond just the medical issues - I have had to take a fair amount of time off work and I have had to defer some postgraduate studies I had already commenced until next year. I'm unable to exercise, which had been a significant coping mechanism for me during lockdown. There are also questions around whether it will be recommended for me to have my second jab and the implications of whether I will be eligible for the 'freedoms' in NSW if a second-jab isn't advised.
With all of that said, the question I keep getting asked is if I regret getting the vaccine - at this point, the answer to that is no I don't regret it. At the time of my jab, the risk/benefit of course made sense. My concern is that the risks may have been understated in order to prevent an AZ-style media attack on pfizer. Every single GP, cardiologist, sonographer, emergency nurse, pharmacist and pathology collector that I have seen (and trust me, there have been many over the last month), has said that they are seeing countless individuals present with similar symptoms.