I really need to catch up on this thread as well. However I have a dilemma and thought I would get some input. Some of you would remember Ms FM has had issues with scleroderma which destroyed her leg. Anyway after sending her to Sydney a few years ago to see a guru down there she told me all was well.
I gave her a partly used dendy voucher that I thought we wouldn’t use before it expires on Friday a month ago, but we are going with a friend today and so last night I asked for it back. She couldn’t find it and this morning I thought I would check her top drawer in her desk just in case she had put it in there,
I opened the drawer and there were bottles of methotrexate as well as calcium and folate supplements.
Now what do I do - I want to know what is going on but do I just be honest and tell her I opened her drawer or what.
I know she hasn’t told me because she hates me stressing over her and she is 27 and an adult, but my stress levels are through the roof and so are Mr FMs.
Off to movies soon which should help
