Oh, and while I'm at it, a
health insurance update.
After my second op in early November, I overnighted in a nearby hospital (op was at a day surgery place).
A week before Christmas, I happened to look at my health fund claims record and noticed that the day surgery for the second op was 'not paid' and the overnight place was "In process" a month later. The surgeon and anaesthetist had been paid Hmmm. I called the health fund to see what was up. The guy put me on hold a couple of times and couldn't figure it out, so said they would get back to me.
Never did. Last week I went to check on status. The overnight hospital had been paid, but the day surgery was still "Not paid". I was surprised the day surgery place hadn't been after me.
I called the health fund again. First told that the case had been 'closed' (!! - no one told me!!) and then again lots of hold trying to figure out what was up. Finally found out that the hospital had entered the 'wrong code'. I was told to either leave it until the hospital woke up, or I could call and prompt them.
So I called the day surgery. "Oh! they haven't paid!" (nearly 2 months after they put in the claim). I told them what the issue was, according to the health fund. They reckoned they used the right codes, so I left them to duke it out.
But bless the private health cover with top hospital. In all, 2 emergency operations done the next day and same day, total bills $12,683, I paid $1,000. My premiums are abt $2,500 pa and I always use about $1,500 or optical, dental etc.
.. and I discovered that I'm earning 'Rewards Points' with the fund! (Redemption value about as good as Qantas
