Not me, but my Mum.
On Sunday arvo, she accompanied me and my dog Q to the local dog park, as we usually do on Sunday afternoons. We were getting ready to leave, I'm sure Mum had just asked me how much longer I wanted to stay, when a running dog (chasing another dog, as they do in the dog park) bowled into the back of Mum's legs. Medium-sized dog, not sure which one, and poor Mum fell flat on her back.
It was apparent her right ankle was not in good shape, and within a minute or so I was calling the Qld Ambulance Service. Mum also put her left wrist out, and it was hurting.
Ambos arrived after maybe 15 mins (Mum had no concussion, bones broken through skin or distribution of bodily fluids in any strange way). They were able to stretcher in to the park, got Mum onto the stretcher and took her to Emergency. Got Mr Katie to bring her wallet down to us with Medicare card, etc. Green whistle for the win!
Mum was taken to RBWH emergency, I took her car home, got cleaned up and went up to RBWH, as we live close, Mum wasn't concussed and I felt didn't need my support straightaway. Means I still haven't ridden in an ambulance, but I'm sure I can go a lifetime without that experience!
Mum was in Xray when I got there, by around 9pm her wrist and ankle had been manipulated in some way and plaster applied in Resus 1. I declined the opportunity to stay in the room while it happened, but was just outside in the corridor. I almost fainted years ago when Mr Katie told me about his BCC being removed from his nose, so wasn't sure how I'd go watching my Mum get fixed by the very capable doctors. And Mum didn't need me to stay (she was knocked out anyway). When I was telling the Teen about this, I assured them if the same thing happened to them, I'd stay in the room because being Mum is a bit different - and the Teen is much more anxious than my Mum is.
Xrays after plaster, sent to Fast Track again, chatted with Dr Gabriel there who gave Mum the option of being discharged and going to the fracture clinic or being admitted. Mum chose to be admitted, particularly with a wrist out of action and a foot she can't bear weight on. By this stage, Mum also needed to go to the loo. As part of this, I was able to successfully remove her nice linen trousers that she wouldn't let the doctors cut if they could avoid it - they were able to roll them up above her knee. Bed pan didn't quite work unfortunately for the loo side of things.
We thought she might spend the night in a Fast Track bed, but around 10:30-11pm she was taken up to a room in a Burns ward. The awesome nurse there was able to help her get into a commode chair with a leg support extension thingie. Success!
We had been told the Ortho registrar would visit, but when I asked the night nurse at around 11:30pm, she didn't think it would happen that night. I left Mum then.
I spent yesterday being a dutiful daughter, collecting things from home for Mum, and then going out to KMart (nearest shops) to buy, and then wash, a heap of t-shirt nighties. I bought a few fun ones, including a Christmas one.

I also had fun sending Mum joke texts of other things at KMart I wanted to get her - including a couple of small metal coughatoos. She said she didn't want them. I'm still advocating for them, as she can't have flowers while she's in the Burns ward.
The Ortho came by yesterday morning while I was out, and will re-assess Mum tomorrow. She'll have surgery on Friday or next week, and will be getting screws and plates in both the ankle and wrist. We're not sure what beyond that, or if they'll want to keep her in hospital due to mobility issues with the two limbs out of action.
I'm slightly worried about leaving the country in 11 days for two weeks. I'm Mum's only child, and she lives alone.
Mum is in good spirits, not bitter at dogs/parks, able to laugh at one of the nighties having a sleeping dog on it, not in pain. She has no private insurance, has never been able to afford it. The care by the paramedics and all the team in Emergency at RBWH has been great.