My Mum and I seem to have shared our recent propensity for hurting our ankles/feet. Unfortunately for my friend, her hurt ankle was closer to my Mum's than mine.
Mum broke her ankle and wrist last Nov after being knocked over by a dog.
I sprained my ankle (apparently not so much the foot despite the bruising all over the top of my foot, as well as in the places drron showed in his pics). 4 weeks ago. That night, a friend arrived from Germany to spend a few weeks tidying up her 80yo godfather's house, as he finally agreed some tidying up was necessary. Said Godfather is single, never married, no kids, and his goddaughter and some nephews are his closest family.
Friend proceeds to do a LOT of tidying up in his house while she was in Brisbane, as well as helping me enormously with school dropoffs, etc, while Mr Katie was away. The Godfather's house had approx. 2t of newspapers removed ... and that wasn't all of them! Payslips back to the mid-70s were thrown out. Bond cleaners engaged for a deep clean and treatment of mould in ceilings, etc. She had a very full-on 3 weeks, but at least Mr Katie was back for the last part of it and able to cook yummy meals.
On the day after friend arrived home in Germany, her wife had them booked on a small trekking trip in Annapurna, Nepal. Yes, in AFF style, she was home for barely 24hrs!
Friend wasn't looking forward to it much, as her wife has the agility and speed of a mountain goat on hikes (I mean this as a sincere compliment) and my friend ... does not ...
On Saturday night just gone, we're sent some pics of a swollen left foot with a funny colour to it on a hospital bed in Nepal. Within a couple of hours, friend is booked in for surgery the next day.

Fractured medial malleolus and the lateral malleolus. Pins were required. I have a cool Xray view of her lower leg now!
So, if you want to keep your ankles/feet safe, best not to come near me or my Mum anytime soon!
(Of course it's not catching, but we're having a little joke with it.)