Over a long period of time, I lost confidence in my dentist who replaced the 'senior' dentist at the practice I went to, about 5 years ago. After a crown outcome didn't seem 100%, I went to another dentist to have it checked out.
The crown was OK he thought, but he expressed a lot of concern about the old root canal molar next to it, saying from the x-ray he took he thought there were signs of some infection right at the top and would turn into a problem at some point. Not suggesting anything now, but to watch out for any signs. As I was going away on a long trip to some remote places (my forthcoming trip to the 'Stans, and there is a trip to the Balkans before that) he said he'd prescribe some antibiotics for me to take with me
So, a couple of weeks later the molar started to let me know it was there - no pain, just a very gentle off-and-on low grade 'feeling'.
Decision time. Stuff it ... be proactive I thought and went back to him to see what the options were. Could pull it, and leave a gap at the back - non visible, or pull it and have an implant done (by a peridontist not at the same practice). The quote for the implant took forever to be done and in the meantime the tooth still let me know it was there, and I was anxious to get anything done well before I went away.
Stuff it .. I'll get the thing pulled and worry about the implant later. Several friends revealed that they have a gap in their back teeth with no dramas.
So in I went and he pulled the tooth - I told him it was a better plan than having using a horse in Kyrgyzstan and a piece of string. Not sure if he took that as a compliment or not. It was funny having a tooth pulled (my first adult one other than a wisdom tooth) when there wasn't anything acute wrong with it.
It took a bit of doing

but he got it - no pain, just a lot of crunching as the old tooth and filling disintegrated a bit. Small amount of blood for an hour or so, and mild ache that panadol mostly fixed. Tender for a few days, but no drama really. All in all I'd rate it as no problem.
And the implant quote? Geez! Thats not going to happen unless something dramatically bad eventuates with the gap.