Flying back from SYD to Mel I had a mother with a very young baby in one of those slings to the front of her plus a 4 yr old girl in tow. She had the inside seat and the little girl middle and myself in the aisle any way this mother was just having a few problems with space ,we were in Y, so I offered to help her in any way I could ! she of course declined any help and said that although it was her first trip with littlies that she was sure she could manage but a little while later she was having some troubles coping and our eyes met ,no words were necessary

, so I started to look after the young 4 yr old -- after a slow shy start we coloured books played Ispy and I told her some stories !! we had a great time

it was then I noticed the 4 yr old cuddling into me and being very quiet so I leaned down and said "what's wrong ?" to which I was told" bubby's having coughie " and we have to be quiet!! LOL I nearly laughed out loud!!
When we were walking out into the terminal I was holding the 4 yr olds hand and it was the look of another male that sent cold shivers through me!! Her Dad was approaching at a rate of knots !! :shock: thank GOD mum was just behind me !! a quick explanation from her and big smiles all round
now this was a short trip and Im sure the novelty of this would were off on a Mel to Dub trip :shock: so I do understand where the origional poster was coming from.