horror experience with emirates

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Emirates have about a Gazillion staff. They will constantly be training new check-in staff as they just seem to be continually growing. I always am very wary of those new staff as I suspect something will go awry. Things like lost luggage, wrong FF number - especially putting
"VS" instead of "DJ" (I accept that internationally no-one has heard of Virgin Blue), Seat allocation.

Anyway, of all your issues the biggy is the lost luggage. I suggest one thing to somewhat future proof a mishap like this again (on any airline) - Don't check your bags through.

These days (or maybe it was always like this) there are certain airports where there seems to be a complete inability to transfer luggage from one aircraft to another. Most seem quite competent at getting luggage to their destination but incapable of getting the same luggage to another aircraft (even if the connecting flight is with the same carrier).

So now if I have more than 2 hours between connecting flights I will endure the hassle of exiting immigration and customs just to collect my bags and re-check them in all over again. It is painful but nowhere near as painful as lost luggage. On the return trip I actually don't really care if the luggage is lost, so I book it through the whole way. It'll turn up eventually. Here are my airports where I now refuse to check luggage through:

Johannesburg (6 from 8 times luggage lost in transit - I finally changed my ways)
Heathrow (28,000 lost bags in April alone)
Dubai - the airport is so big that it takes 30 minutes to walk to immigration. A successful luggage transfer should be seen as a miracle.
I suspect Paris would be bad but I have no experience here.
Sydney is probably horrible as well but as it is only the kiwis that transit no-one really cares. Little do they suspect that their luggage will be deliberately lost until the Bledisloe is back in our grasp.

Best at transfers:
Mumbai. Because no sane person would actually choose to use Mumbai as a transit. A transit passenger is almost a novelty. As such, they seem to flout all international safety rules and escort you back through security and on to the tarmac where you must physically identify your bag(s) before they load it onto the next aircraft. Magnificent.
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For my money, the worst EVER transit nightmare was between two SU flights at :evil:SVO:evil:.

I'd tell you all about it, but the special tablets I had to be put on after the experience have obliterated most of the memory. Suffice to say, I don't recommend the experience to anyone. In fact, stay away from :evil:SVO:evil: all together.

Of course, the best way to avoid lost bags is to avoid checking luggage at all. If I have to send a suitcase somewhere, it goes with an airfreight company at least 24 hours ahead of me.
It is sad to read that you and your family had an unpleasant trip due to delayed luggage. Unfortunately it is quite common for luggage to be delayed/lost and the situation is not unique to Emirates. It could happen with any airline or any routing.

It happened to me last year with American Airlines travelling from Chicago to Tampa via La Guardia. Luggage did not make the connection and it was a week before I finally got the bags back. Judging by the number of unclaimed bags I saw in Athens airport I consider myself extremely lucky to get my luggage back at all.

Did you have travel insurance? Your travel insurance would have reimbursed you for clothes and other personal items purchased, up to a certain amount, to get you, and your family, through the period where your luggage was delayed. I don't want to be critical in any way but there are so many people who spend a lot of money on a holiday of lifetime and do not bother to purchase travel insurance.

As for Emirates I have only ever had 1 flight with them in business class and it was ordinary. I would certainly avoid them, and other middle eastern carriers, if I have a choice. There are many people that love Gulf Airways but you could not get my dad on one of their flights ever again.
I started to read this thread halfway through a trip with Emirates and decided not to reply until home incase I jinxed myself. Now that I am back I can honestly say I have plenty of praise for them. We were a family of 4. Children are 3 and 11 months.
I travelled Syd to GLA with them in y. On the way over we had a 2 hour transfer at Dubai and on the way back 10 hours. Since we had so long on return emirates put you in a hotel for free (anything over 8 hours I think). Great way to get a short sleep, shower and breakfast. Luggage remains at airport.
Both directions all of our luggage arrived with us. so we had experience with short and long transfer times with success.
the meals were the best I have experienced on any airline for quality and preperation. The service was good and most staff freindly.
The only drawback is Dubai airport. Since Emirates are building there own terminal I think things will improve but for the GLA flights we were parked well away from the terminal and had to bus from plane back to terminal and this took over 20 minutes in the bus. Plus inside the terminal was cramped and way too many people sleeping everywhere made it look second rate.
I have had many family and friends use them as well and all happy. Not to say this will always be the case.
So I think I will fly them again as going direct into GLA and avoiding LHR is great for us but I hope by the time I go again they have there new terminal.
Don't Fly Emirates.

this is an update on my previous thread "horror experience with emirates" regarding the appaling service we endured flying with emirates. for those of you that havent read the story check it out here.

i wrote to emirates customer service in sydney soon after our return, i had the "pleasure" of being being contacted by Cathy Smith from customer services.
as i suspected, emirates totally rejected any responsibility for losing my luggage. "its Aer Lingus problem, they were the final carrier" according to emirates. of course the fact that emirates misplaced the bags for 9 days in Paris is irrelevant apparently.
emirates have offered a $100 myer voucher as compensation for the $10,000 we gave them for a horendous holiday. i've rejected their offer.
i will continue to campaign against this airline until they accept their responsibility and stop hiding behind "airline industry policy"
since this incident, i have researched emirates customer service on the net and the stories of 3rd rate service and facilities are too numerous to discount my issue as an isolated incident. my research has shown that emirates have a long and disgraceful history of mistreating its customers and subsequently avoiding their responsibilities to adequately compensate passengers. times are tough for the airline industry and prices are not getting any cheaper for what transpires to be 3rd world service.
i strongly advise any flyer contemplating using emirates to think again and use a more reputable airline, its just not worth the distress that they cause too often to too many unsuspecting passengers.
i'll keep you informed of any progress.
Re: Don't Fly Emirates.

as i suspected, emirates totally rejected any responsibility for losing my luggage. "its Aer Lingus problem, they were the final carrier" according to emirates. of course the fact that emirates misplaced the bags for 9 days in Paris is irrelevant apparently.

It is sadly very relevant as that is the way that the airlines work. Finnair paid out compensation for my lost luggage as the final carrier even though no-one knows who lost the luggage.

emirates have offered a $100 myer voucher as compensation for the $10,000 we gave them for a horendous holiday. i've rejected their offer.

Did you book a flight or a holiday through Emirates? Did you have any decent travel insurance that would have provided delayed luggage coverage?

since this incident, i have researched emirates customer service on the net and the stories of 3rd rate service and facilities are too numerous to discount my issue as an isolated incident. my research has shown that emirates have a long and disgraceful history of mistreating its customers and subsequently avoiding their responsibilities to adequately compensate passengers. times are tough for the airline industry and prices are not getting any cheaper for what transpires to be 3rd world service.

Shame you didnt ask ask my parents who have had impeccable service on EK in whY and J. I am guessing the search term "emirates poor service" wouldn't find much good news about EK.

i strongly advise any flyer contemplating using emirates to think again and use a more reputable airline, its just not worth the distress that they cause too often to too many unsuspecting passengers.
i'll keep you informed of any progress.

So which reputable airline should we choose? QF who seemed to have aircraft falling out the sky? BA would have a dated product? Gulf Air whose whY product is a disgrace (mind you that is based on one flight so not exactly an informed view.
Re: Don't Fly Emirates.

If you change airlines in nearly all cases the original airline will make you pick up your bag and recheck it in. I am sorry that you had all that trouble but surely in this day and age of flying it is really up to you to ensure you check your bags between airlines. If it had been me and there were problems like you experienced I would not have trusted the airline to transfer the bags to Air Lingus. In L.A. which is ghastly - changing from Cathay to AA - I had to pick up my bag, clear it with customs, then take it round the corner to the AA counter - all very simple and gave me piece of mind, having seen my bag for the first time since I left Brisbane via Hongkong.
We have nearly always found Emirates to be excellent. I recently flew on a very cheap fare to NZ. The equivilant to a Red Eye special but unlike Qantas, Emirates let me upgrade with points to Business Class on the way back. This also included chauffeur pick up to and from the airports. My fare was just over $400 return. Try to upgrade on a Qantas cheapy - no such luck even though there was only one pax in business class. Emirates food is better, service better - then it doesnt have to be very good to beat Qantas whose target is business men - not mature females.
I can see where Emirates is coming from as it is really not their fault - possibly the person you spoke to is to blame for having told you that your bags would go direct to Ireland. Anyway give them another try and their frequent flyer club is the best yet. You can actually book what is advertised, and without having to go half way round the world.
The only people to write to in Airlines are the CEO's and sometimes its hard to get hold of them. I have in the past written to the CEO of British Airways - prompt reply - Gulf Air whose ex CEO is now with Etihad, Qantas - the recently ex Geoff Dixon.
Anyway do not give up on Emirates 96% of the time the are superb.
Re: Don't Fly Emirates.

I In L.A. which is ghastly - changing from Cathay to AA - I had to pick up my bag, clear it with customs, then take it round the corner to the AA counter - all very simple and gave me piece of mind,

I actually find this really annoying and quite a hassle. I travel mostly with hand luggage only at the moment but when I have to do this shuffle in teh US it's a real pain.
Re: Don't Fly Emirates.

as i suspected, emirates totally rejected any responsibility for losing my luggage. "its Aer Lingus problem, they were the final carrier" according to emirates. of course the fact that emirates misplaced the bags for 9 days in Paris is irrelevant apparently.

They are absolutely correct and any other airline would tell you the same. The final carrier in the trip is the one responsible for sorting out mistakes.

I don't see how, unless you strolled round the baggage areas at Paris, you would know whose fault the misplaced luggage was. Could just as easily be EI's error

emirates have offered a $100 myer voucher as compensation for the $10,000 we gave them for a horendous holiday. i've rejected their offer.

I find it extreme that missing baggage would cause a horrendous holiday. If you had insurance, that would cover short term needs and any actual loss will be paid by insurance or through the liable carrier

I cannot see what there is to gain by refusing their $100

i strongly advise any flyer contemplating using emirates to think again and use a more reputable airline, its just not worth the distress that they cause too often to too many unsuspecting passengers.
i'll keep you informed of any progress.

All airlines misplace luggage and if you limit choice only to airlines that never do, then you'll be staying home in the future. EK is a reputable airline



As suggested the 2 threads have now been merged into this one
My wife and I flew emirates a few months ago. Our experience was fair with bus class seats not being any better than premium economy on some other airlines.At least we had our bags.
One issue we did have was the fact that the airline stuffed up in supposedly not collecting airport taxes when my CC was debited for the flights.
We were shunted to a rep at Bangkok airport and fairly forcefully asked to pay the outstanding amount.
I stood my ground and asked them for proof of the exact charges they were demanding,but this was not forthcoming.
After speaking to several supervisors I said I had enough and left. I gave them an address in Bangkok as well as at home to contact us if they wished,but have heard nothing.
I suppose I would fly with them again as they are very competitive on price and the pilots seem to be Aussies.
Re: Don't Fly Emirates.

Shame you didnt ask ask my parents who have had impeccable service on EK in whY and J. I am guessing the search term "emirates poor service" wouldn't find much good news about EK.

Or more to the point, bad news is often louder (aforementioned mate of mine is still complaining to anyone who'd listen). I've had pretty decent experiences with EK myself - not terribly spectacular but certainly adequate. So long as the price is right I'd consider them a viable option on TT flights. Let's put it into perspective, no one is going to write up a review titled "Average, Uneventful flight on Emirates" now would they?
I am a gold member with Thai and Emirates - I would like to think I could share some of my experiences to assist you. First of all, no matter how cheap the tickets (and it looks like you got a good price) I wouldn't be flying Aer Lingus. FYI, Aer Lingus = lost bags! got it?!

i write to you in regard to my recent unpleasant experience flying with Emirates airlines.
I booked 5 return flights at the Emirates office in Perth for myself, my partner and my 3 children to fly to Paris via Dubai with Emirates. I had a connecting flight from Paris to Dublin with Aer Lingus. This was supposed to be our big family vacation, an occasion which was supposed to be a holiday of a life time for all concerned, a first ever visit for my children to visit their family in Ireland, to attend my brother’s wedding and my nephew’s christening.
The 5 return tickets to Paris cost over $10,000.

==Dude, you sound really unhappy for about your flights - were the flight attendants rude on the plane? plane delayed ? what was unpleasant about the flights? $10,000 although a lot of money - sounds like you got a really good deal! I wish I knew your travel agent.

The major complaint I have with this air line is that you lost all our luggage en route to Paris and took 9 days to return our bags, but if only that was the only issue.
Below is a brief overview of our experience with your air line.

3rd July 2008 – Our party of 5 checked in at Emirates desk at Perth International at approx 3 am to avoid the children having to queue. We inform the Emirates employee that we have a connecting flight from Paris to Dublin with Aer Lingus and require our bags to be checked all the way through to Dublin. The emirates desk employee adamantly informs us that it not possible to check our bags through to Dublin as this is a different air line. He insists that we will have to remove our luggage at Paris and take it to the Aer Lingus desk. Shocked by this sudden policy change in international air travel, I argued this with the emirates employee for some time until he finally agrees to refer the matter to his supervisor who promptly instructs him to check the luggage through to Dublin as requested. I don’t know if this problem was caused by arrogance, ignorance or laziness on the part of the check in employee.

:idea: Only working as a travel agent before.. this is an easy one! Now for some questions.. Did you buy either an Emirates ticket all the way? or an Aer Lingus ticket all the way? If the check in person said 'no' it could mean only one of two things : 1) you did neither of the above and went for the cheap and nasty.. ie buy tickets separately.. (A large number of travel agents do this to save money for the customers - a definite No No) You need to have all your flight details with one airline so both airlines know your sectors.
Recommend you double check with your travel agent.. maybe you got the raw end of the stick!

3rd July 2008 – On arrival at Dublin airport, we went to baggage claim to pick up our bags, to our horror none of our bags had arrived. We immediately informed Aer Lingus lost baggage counter at Dublin airport, they took our details and issued us with a lost baggage claim reference, . We can accept that sometimes a bag can be mislaid but when all our luggage is mislaid, that cannot be explained as purely accidental

==You must have been really angry - I sometimes have bags lost! I guess harder if you have a large family. I would be pushing Aer Lingus for some type of cash payment.. usually would give it to you within the first few days..unlucky i guess FYI - accidents do happen.. Aer Lingus has humans working for them.. human error is a big factor. Besides, at least you got your bags back.. where they damaged ? was anything missing?

4th July – 9th July – we contact Emirates office in London, they advise that they cannot assist with locating our luggage. We contact Emirates office in Paris, they are extremely difficult and unhelpful, they disclaim any responsibility and inform us that this is an Aer Lingus problem as they are the final carrier, we inform Emirates Paris that Aer Lingus didn’t lose our luggage but Emirates Paris are completely disinterested. We contact Emirates in Dubai but again we get a similar response as we got from Emirates Paris. Meanwhile we are in daily contact with Aer Lingus lost baggage office in Dublin, Aer Lingus staff were most helpful, they returned our calls as promised and were in regular contact with Emirates staff at both Paris and Dubai. Meanwhile from 3rd July to 10th July my partner, my 3 children and I were left without any clothing or personal belongings. Amongst items in our lost luggage that caused most distress were my daughters’ dresses which were specially made for my brother’s wedding, my children’s dolls which they have had since they were babies, and christening and wedding presents. We were forced to attend my brother’s wedding and my nephew’s christening in substandard replacement clothing and of course did not have the gifts that we purchased. What had been planned to be a joyous family reunion was quickly turning into a nightmare.

==Dude, you made it to the wedding in one piece? Trust me - there is more to life than worrying about bags that were lost and then found.
If mean, was there an emergency landing or parts of the plane falling off?

9th July – Aer Lingus inform us that 1 of our bags had been located in Paris. The bag is delivered on the 9th July, all tags, luggage ref numbers and my name still on the bag. At this stage we were just glad that our luggage had finally been located but with all original tags, names and numbers still on the bag we’re stunned that it’d taken so long for Emirates to locate the bags.

10th July – Aer Lingus inform us that the 2nd bag had been located in Paris. The bag is delivered on the 10th July, again all tags, luggage ref numbers and my name still on the bag. Why both bags weren’t returned together is a mystery.

==that's an easy one - they are two separate items. Again, accidents do happen. I've had about 3 bags lost already this year.. 3 bags in how many million people traveling.. no all that bad.

24th July – we attempt to check in at Emirates desk in Paris to return home to Perth. The Emirates employee at the check in desk informs us that my 7 year old daughter’s passport is invalid and she cannot travel with us. We were again stunned by this, my daughter’s passport was only issues by the Australian passport office in June ’08, she had travelled from Perth to Dublin, via Dubai and Paris on this passport without any problems and now suddenly her passport is no good. The child is completely distressed and sobbing at the check in counter as the Emirates check-in representative adamantly insists the passport is not valid, I show her the stamps from the previous legs of our “holiday of a lifetime” but to no avail, as far as this Emirates employee was concerned, my daughter was not gong to travel with us. I ask her to get her supervisor, reluctantly she calls someone to review the issue, after some time the supervisor advises that there’s a problem with their computer and all is good with the passport. Does the Emirates check-in rep offer any apology for her adamant refusal to let the 7 year old travel? No chance!
We ask the check-in rep to confirm our vegetarian meals which we ordered in Perth prior to setting off on the start of our journey. Unsurprisingly, there is no record of vegetarian meals being ordered. We ask if vegetarian meals could be arranged, absolutely not she replies, 48 hours notice is required for special meals. I booked the vegetarian meals 6 weeks prior to this but that doesn’t matter apparently.
:idea: I suggest you write to Emirates about this. I once had a similar problem when I was a permanent resident of Australia.. I think airlines are connected to the Australian government somehow. I would be shocked if they denied a child to travel - that's just stupid. Is she Irish or Aussie?

25th July – we’re on the final leg of our trip home, just happy to be getting off this disaster of a holiday, Emirates cabin crew are serving drinks, my son is sitting on an aisle seat, the stewardess attempts to reach across my son to give a drink to a passenger sitting inside him, she drops the entire glass of drink on his head. Does she offer an apology? Absolutely not! She hands him a couple of serviettes and keeps going. The poor child is left sitting there dripping in orange juice with his chair soaking, I tell him he’s lucky she wasn’t giving the other passenger a cup of coffee or he would have been heading to the burns unit. Finally, just to add some comic relief to this trip from hell, as every one is relaxing, watching a movie or whatever, the stewardess for no apparent reason runs down the aisle from the middle of the plane to the back waving her hands frantically in the air like she’s been chased by a gun wielding terrorist. I look around to see startled passengers darting looks around the cabin in search of the person who had frightened the stewardess so badly to cause her to run like an Olympic sprinter through the plane, fortunately for all concerned, it’s a false alarm, though none of us would have been surprised whatever had happened, such was the catalogue of disasters we encountered with your airline

:arrow:Sound like your family isn't having much luck traveling on planes. Maybe should have taken a cruise .. hehe. I don't get your point - were the flight attendants rude? Dude, relax! laugh it off.. don't cry over spilt milk or orange juice in this case. Having said that, I would at least ask for some form of an apology. Another question : How come the flight attendant was reaching over your son? who was sitting next to him ordering OJ? I don't really understand the seating on the plane in economy as I generally travel in Business - would a flight attendant reach over more than two people to hand them a drink? hmm.. sounds strange for someone who didn't even say 'sorry'.. How did she get the attention of that person?..

My question now is what compensation Emirates airlines are prepared to offer my family and I, to in some way make up for the appalling customer service we experienced. I would expect far better from an airline purporting to be a world leader in it’s field. Am I to believe that our experience was a one off isolated incident that doesn’t accurately reflect their standard of customer care and professionalism? I suspect their handling of my complaint will indicate their degree of commitment to customer care and good public relations.

:( All in all, I am a happy flyer - trying to always look at the positive side of traveling in a large tin can full of rubbish and complaining people that have little knowledge of aircraft. To be honest, I really don't think this anymore than person who lost and then found a bag. I wonder if we feel the same if you were on a train it had a torn seat?! Does anyone agree with me? Life is too short - live for now..move on
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Re: Don't Fly Emirates.

I actually find this really annoying and quite a hassle. I travel mostly with hand luggage only at the moment but when I have to do this shuffle in teh US it's a real pain.

Words eaten :(

My sister just messaged me. She was booked lca-dxb-bne-syd with an overnight in BNE. EK just advised her that her flights have changed and now she has a 6 hour layover in DXB and 7 hours in BNE. As she is travelling alone with a 2 year old this is just too much for her so is now moving the trip to next year.

Not happy with EK at all - given the flight were booked on the day they became available and were sold out the same day - no idea why the change :(
Re: Don't Fly Emirates.

Words eaten :(

My sister just messaged me. She was booked lca-dxb-bne-syd with an overnight in BNE. EK just advised her that her flights have changed and now she has a 6 hour layover in DXB and 7 hours in BNE. As she is travelling alone with a 2 year old this is just too much for her so is now moving the trip to next year.

Not happy with EK at all - given the flight were booked on the day they became available and were sold out the same day - no idea why the change :(

Not sure if everything should be blamed on EK. It's pretty good that they advised u of the changes in advance; many airlines would not. You know, from Larnaca to SYD even with the flight changes they will still complete the journey faster than any other Airline routing - I mean there is no viable carrier that flies east from Cyprus, other than EK. I stand corrected for those that rate Cyprus Airways, JAT, MEA, Gulf Air, Royal Jordanian and Syrian Arab Airlines.

EK always have the DXB-SYD direct option as well, which probably is the wiser choice with a child anyway.

I'd guess the flights were sold out the same day because they were great value.
She originally tried to get DXB-SYD direct but that was fully sold out on the day they became available for sale. This wasn't a bitca about EK just a little disappointment really.

I just don't understand the reason for a change.
I find Emirates air crew cold and lacking personality. It's like the have practiced "service" rather than wanting to really priovide it.

We usually travel Qantas Business but for a recent trip to Paris it was suggested by our Travel Agent to fly Emirates. Good service in Melbourne but dreadful in Dubai and Paris. Generally their ground staff are uninterested and unwilling to try to help. Just going through the motions !!

Best part of Emirates is being picked up and dropped to destination before and after the flight although our driver in Como, Italy was so late picking us up that we nearly missed the flight.

So, I tried Emirates - but I'm back to Qantas where the service is not always first class but at least you are dealing with people you can relate to and who, generally, want to help.
Experiences on Emirates have led me to think that their crews are really hit and miss. From being queried why I would want to mix scotch and coke together and rushing to get a late plane out by a certain time slot compared to having a FA personally telling us how to get from the airport to the hotel right down to bus details etc, there is a real spectrum of quality amongst the FA's, and it is a lottery as to who gets the quality ones.

However one thing with Emirates is that they got us from A to B without the problems I have had with airlines such as CX
I was flying with Emirates a couple of years ago to from Mel. to Ham./Germany with my little Son. Trouble started at the check in, Stroller to heavy, and I got told, that I have to check in Munich all my luggage again in , because the next Carrier to Hamburg was not Emirates. After long discussions and talking to the Supervisor it was all of a sudden possible. Flight to Dubai was not good, Crew was *&^% and they did not even attach the Bassinete for my 16 Months old properly so that I had to do their job, to avoid that my Baby would fall out.
The Flight from Dubai to Munich was the total opposite. The Crew was fantastic, funny and caring. The best I had ever seen. In Munich I realized that the Flight for Hamburg did not exist and I was lucky that the Carrier was able to book me on another flight. Finally in Hamburg my luggage was "missing cargo" and I almost fainted and was more than upset. Though I was lucky, that all my Stuff arrived only a couple of hours later in front of my Door :)
The Flight back to Australia was "average". Nothing special I have to say. I would still fly with them again, even I still prefer Cathay Pacific but because Emirates offers a Direct Flight to Hamburg, I will just use them.
Baffi, I can't see any one of your issues being a problem of Emirates.
Stroller too heavy, that's not their problem
Checking your bags through to Hamburg - not their problem
Lost luggage not their problem

Steward having difficulty fitting bassinet. I See that problem almost every flight, every airline. They're trick blighters to fit unless you are standing right in front of the holes.

If you feel that these are Emirates problems, I'd suggest you change your expectation/understanding or prepare to be continually disappointed. Changing airlines won't address your issues.
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