High labour costs, not being at a hub, not being govt subsidised. Qantas can't possibly compete with CX, SQ, EK et al. It needs to rationalise itself to only profitable routes. Ideally HKG would have been a better hub than Dubai and it could then service the presumably highly profitable HKG-LHR routing. Aussies don't want to go to Dubai but they sure want to go to HK. I note only CX and BA run direct flights on this route at the moment - I presume HK airport did not allow Qantas to service this route. It's assymetrical warfare - our second rate privately run airports allow open slather to any airline (including CX) and Qantas probably has its hands tied on where it can fly. Unfortunately I don't see a happy resolution to this problem. At least allowing 100% foreign ownership would allow access to different funding sources.