HSBC Star Alliance credit card in Australia

What are the ineligible spend category?
³ No points are earned on interest free and other promotions, Balance Transfers, business expenses, cash advances, fees and charges, any disputed transactions, BPAY® and any government fee or charge.
Hi all! I have signed up for this card late May, received it on May 29th and hit the 4k mark in mid June. Selected Air Canada within 2 weeks and on Jun 27th was given 50K Air Canada status (quivalent to gold). When should I expect to get the signup bonus points?
Hi all! I have signed up for this card late May, received it on May 29th and hit the 4k mark in mid June. Selected Air Canada within 2 weeks and on Jun 27th was given 50K Air Canada status (quivalent to gold). When should I expect to get the signup bonus points?
Well done! They can take 8 or more weeks to arrive.
Well done! They can take 8 or more weeks to arrive.
And silly question, but do you have to have made sure you 'trigger anything' in star alliance portal to say you want the points moved to Aeroplan? I see the 3000 points from my $4k spend sitting in the star alliance account so I'm worried that it wont sweep across the 50k sign on points into Aeroplan?
And silly question, but do you have to have made sure you 'trigger anything' in star alliance portal to say you want the points moved to Aeroplan? I see the 3000 points from my $4k spend sitting in the star alliance account so I'm worried that it wont sweep across the 50k sign on points into Aeroplan?
The 50000 are directly credited - doesn’t use the star alliance points.
Applied online last night. Didn’t write down the application reference as it says it will be emailed. Application approved. Got to identity check and passed that. Application paged had disappeared. No email with reference. Called this morning they can’t find any application. Gave up!
Anyone received their points recently? I got 50k status on 27/5 (I think it was earlier, but that's when the email was sent). Still no points, although it's "only" been 6 weeks.
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Anyone received their points recently? I got 50k status on 27/5 (I think it was earlier, but that's when the email was sent). Still no points, although it's "only" been 6 weeks.
I got the email from *A confirming I was eligible for status on 16/5 and telling me I had until 30/5 to make my choice.

Status granted on 31/5.

Still no bonus points... I think technically I'm at 8 weeks tomorrow or the day after. Will wait a little longer before I start to make a fuss (have read some posts here saying it processes start of the month? Can't remember where though).
To be honest, I’m not sure making a fuss will even do much. Those who have tried just get passed around in circles until it eventually sorts itself out without intervention.
To be honest, I’m not sure making a fuss will even do much. Those who have tried just get passed around in circles until it eventually sorts itself out without intervention.

i don’t think there’s been a case where points haven’t been awarded. it’s purely a timing issue, not a question of eligibility or the system ‘forgetting’ anyone.
Has anyone had success calling HSBC to get the Gold status request sent immediately to your selected airline?

Will do the $4K tomorrow 16 July and I have travel on United domestic on 24 July and 1 Aug… 😭

(After my initial glitch the email came through and eventually the document upload worked)
Has anyone had success calling HSBC to get the Gold status request sent immediately to your selected airline?

Will do the $4K tomorrow 16 July and I have travel on United domestic on 24 July and 1 Aug… 😭

(After my initial glitch the email came through and eventually the document upload worked)
i don’t believe so, unfortunately.
Has anyone had success calling HSBC to get the Gold status request sent immediately to your selected airline?

Will do the $4K tomorrow 16 July and I have travel on United domestic on 24 July and 1 Aug… 😭

(After my initial glitch the email came through and eventually the document upload worked)
Email from *A rewards - denied -

“Kindly be informed that the benefits upgrade is all triggered automatically by the system hence expediting the process is not possible. Unfortunately, manual intervention is not allowed.”
Hi Guys

Just an update, points are in. FYI- I was approved a day before the free 50,000 point campaign ended. I spend about $15k per month on the card.

Jul302024 HSBC Star Alliance - Aeroplan Welcome Bonus

+ 50,000 pts
Hi Guys

Just an update, points are in. FYI- I was approved a day before the free 50,000 point campaign ended. I spend about $15k per month on the card.

Jul302024 HSBC Star Alliance - Aeroplan Welcome Bonus

+ 50,000 pts
I met minimum spend 1 June and points landed yesterday too.