They did a photo shoot of Australia Suite, when Oprah stayed a little while ago ...
Made a big thing about it being "THE $5,500. a night suite" of Sydney ...
I just found an 'old' AMB Renewal pack, that had been sitting at my mother's house for past few months.
Inside, the letter stated "15,000 Bonus Points" ( plus another AMB Weekend Voucher ).
Points credited OK !!
I did renew with the 'offer' of paying the additional $US50. ( over the usual $US150. ) in order to get what I recall as a 5,000 point bonus, plus a 15% rebate on Reward Redemptions.
So, an additional 10,000 points, AND they advised they re-sent my package, as the first one didn't arrive.
Now, question will be ...... should I attempt to credit the NEXT lot of bonus points ??