About 6 years ago I spent 3 weeks in New York and picked up a chest infection. Never had one before and just thought I had "a bit of a cough". Where am I going with this? The flight home from NYC to Mel (via LAX) must have been a nightmare for everyone around me as I could not control the cough - despite chugging down some really strong over the counter cough medicine bought at a NYC chemist (now the Americans REALLY know how to do cough medicine that knocks you out for a while - though in this case, not long enough). I felt awful for those around me and know that my cough was no different to a restless child. My point is, anyone can break the peace on a flight, not just children. Isn't the reason for flying the end result, not so much the flight itself? Having said that, I'm taking my first long haul F flight (Qantas A380 Mel-LHR) and am almost counting the hours, and if someone has a cough or a restless child at the pointy end I hope I have the grace to take sit back and dream of Paris!!