So anyone can now order their international certificate via my gov!
You need to login to MyGOV and head to medicare, selecting view proof of vaccinations towards the bottom.
and then select international certificate.
Here it asks you to select which person (if you have multiple people in the medicare family) followed by confirming the details of your jabs are correct. Next up you have to select and enter your passport details, the passport details are verified so they must either be an Australian passport or one with an AU visa so they can search it in their system.
You have to enter your passport number, expiry date, and middle name (noting that many on medicare only have a middle name inital so make sure it matches the passport exactly. This process is basically instant and you get a single page PDF that looks exactly like the image the ABC had a few days ago. Make sure you save this PDF because you have to go through the same process above to download a new one each time.
Also quite interesting is that the QR codes are now verifiable using a free app the government has released. This effectively makes them the most secure way for Australians to prove their vaccine status because it's actually verifiable.
This Australian gov app can now be downloaded on iOS and Android (search VDS-NC on the App Store):
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has specified VDS‑NC as its standard for cross-border digital health certificates, including COVID-19 vaccination and testing certificates. VDS-NC stands for Visible Digital Seal for Non-Constrained Environments. VDS-NC certificates: -...
Authenticates certificates issued as a VDS-NC, as specified for travel by ICAO
When you scan a QR code and are connected to the internet it'll verify the details are correct and the name on the app should match the name on the page.
Not surprising but using the Swiss (app) or Irish (mobile web app) to scan the AU QR code does nothing at this stage. Hopefully the Australian gov will assist those countries meaning an Australian QR code can be scanned using local apps in the future.