The last flight.
QF 62. ETD-2140. Push back-2142. Take off-2150.
ETA-0700. Landed-0617. At gate-0620.
A refurbed 333.We were in the middle seats Row 2.On boarding all the J seats had the duvet in place except mrsdrrons.The CSM came round giving plats a welcome except he gave it to me rather than mrsdrron who is the WP.She was ignored.This is par for the course on QF.CX and JL can get it right.Also again have to fill in your brekkie order before takeoff-not required on CX and JL.Finally did get a glass of champagne.
The CSM then came round taking dinner orders,mrsdrron was bypassed until the elites had ordered so I got to order before her.Now the ceviche dish looked interesting so I asked to start with the ceviche and then have the pork belly sliders.I was told in no uncertain terms that the ceviche was a main course and so I could only have 1 course and it was the pork belly.What wonderful J service.On top of that the only ceviche I saw being eaten was by a FA in the galley.
So to the menu-
A little over an hour after take off a FA came ariund and asked if I would like a drink whilst waiting for supper.The conversation went like this-
Me."what is there to drink?"
FA."Beer,wine,spirits and soft drinks."
Me."What wine do you have?"
FA"White or red."
Me.'What reds do you have?"
FA."A shiraz or cabernet."
ME,wondering whether I really was in the J cabin."Can you bring me the bottles?"
So the 2 reds were brought to the seat.The shiraz was a Best's Great Western which I just cant refuse.
Mrsdron also had a dilemma.The 2 whites were a very wooded chardy and a reisling which she didn't she asked if there was any SB on board.So the CSM said he would bring her a bottle-the little plastic one from Y.She didn't need a refill.
And here are the sliders.Sorry a little hazy.
Not the best pork belly I have had.And just an aside how often do the choccies appear on QF?
On top of this the sash part of my seat belt had obviously decided I was too big so refused to come out of it's home.
After my huge meal I watched a Japanese movie "Tokyo Story."Despite the cultural differences this was a story that could happen anywhere.I enjoyed it.
Then it was time for sleep but the cabin was really noisy so little sleep and I listened to Neil Diamond and of course Queen.
So then it was brekkie.Served just as I like it lukewarm.:shock:

Into BNE very early.Welcome to Australia.No one manning the airbridge.So another wait.
We got to the carousel and the bags were coming out.QF did very well.Only about a third of the bags were out before ours made an appearance.Straight through customs.
Then of course there had been an accident on the Bruce Highway so our limo was late.
Good to be home.
A summary will follow.