Currently very few credit providers use the score but just google risk based pricing and you will see that a number of them are actively considering it. Currently a couple of Fintech startups (Society One, MoneyPlace) and one international bank (Citibank) have products which leverage a score.Reading last several posts here, they suggest credit providers do not rely on the score we get at end of process.
But Comprehensive Credit Reporting will eventually happen and anyone who has any exposure to say the US or UK market, would tell you that when it does score will become very important. So I fall in the middle ground here, does it matter now, well the answer is no. But should we start to understand how credit scoring will work when CCR comes in, my feeling is that, absolutely the answer is yes. I guess the question here is how forward looking you want to be. Are you worried about your next CC application, probably doesn't matter. Are you thinking about your CC application strategy and your ability to maximise over the next few years, you probably need to start to understand how you will be scored.