A small word of advice out there to anyone intending to do as I am and leave cancelling the card right up until just before the first $8/mo fee is charged. In my specific case, my statement date just happens out of pure coincidence to be 2 days before they are introducing the fee on 17 Sep. This is extremely fortuitous in my case, because it means I can charge all my rental property council rates to the card just after my August statement was issued, thereby utilising the entire 55 days interest free. Those charges will then appear on the September statement which is issued 2 days before the monthly charge starts up. That Sep statement is then due for real payment on 10 Oct, which leaves 5 days to cancel it before copping the first $8 fee.
Now that 5 days is in reality probably not going to be enough because of various built-in delays such as the balance must be zero before a cancel request can be processed. The clearance of a direct debit payment takes a few days, the restoration of full account credit after payment takes a few days, there is a weekend in between 10 and 15 Oct, Latitude take a few days to process a closure request etc.
All of which means that actually actioning a closure request between 10 and 15 October is probably not going to happen, even though to anyone with a working brain, 5 days should of course be at least 4 days and 23 hours more than enough time to complete this simple administrative task.
There are other issues at play here too of course. It is in Latitude's vested interest to not action the closure request quickly, because the more they can string it out, the more charges they get to impose, so I cannot expect Latitude to expedite the closure at all. Quite the opposite in fact. Also there's technical issues they can use to delay as well, such as their spectacularly unreliable website and phone apps, which are down more than they're up and so frequently have error message banners on them, it's not even joke-worthy.
Oh look, there's one there right now in fact
Also, their last Latitude app update locked out all but the very latest phone OS versions to be able to run it, which of course cuts out my phone as I'm not going to buy a new phone just so I can install an app for a card all I want to do with is cancel. I'm therefore stuck with the website only for cancelling which has had that error message on it for the last three consecutive days.
Anticipating all this future pain and suffering, I have started laying the groundwork and papertrail for the inevitable dispute when they charge their $8 fee to my account because I wasn't able to cancel it in the 5 days between zeroing the balance owing and the new statement issue on 15 Oct. I won't put the entire e-mail here, but it ends like this:
If I am unfairly prevented from closing my account by the forced or unforced actions of Latitude Finance prior to the charging of the first monthly fee, then I fully expect that fee and any consequential fees from its non-payment will be reversed by Latitude Finance.
And just because they don't publish any real external e-mail addresses to contact them on, I can confirm the following three do work and you will get a response from them. Everyone can guess that the domain name is always going to be @
The e-mail addresses are therefore: