I believe even the humble Chinese farmer - on his first flight in the big silver bird, would not throw someone's bag out of an overhead, only to put his in.
Well sounds like you've not read the first-hand accounts of people here telling you that is exactly what happens!!!!
The thing about stereotypes, is that there is always a basis of truth to an extent.
And it's not juts with China - it happens everywhere. To me it always seems like the liberal big city elite like to view the world through some special lens, so as they sip their Chardonnay and enjoy their freshly shucked pacific oysters, they can feel better about themselves. It's a very Sydney/Melbourne problem to have. Some years ago, I worked in Ayers Rock & Alice Springs for an extended period of time. I was absolutely appalled at the living conditions of the Aboriginals. Looked like a 3rd world country. Shocking. Very high levels of crime. Alice Springs, a small country town, is not safe to walk at night. Yet, when I would come home and report what I saw with my own eyes, my Chardonnay friends didn't want to know. In their mind, everyone in the desert was making beautiful artwork and doing traditional rain dances. The truth was something they couldn't handle (just have some more Chardonnay)
But back to China..... I have not had the pleasure of being to China in almost 10 years (thank God) - but I used to spend a lot of time there for work. Months at a time. Everywhere from Shnaghai and Beijing to Chengdu and Shenzen and half a dozen places I cannot even remember the names of. The list of my least favourite places in the world are all in China (except Bombay which in my opinion is the worst) - you wanna talk about terrible airline lounges??? Try the ones in Bombay!
I have, however, got to witness the slow decline of Hong Kong over the past 15 years or so. From about 2003 - 2010 I went Hong Kong at least monthly. Then after that, at least annually. I can say for an absolute fact that the mass influx of mainland Chinese into that city has not been a good thing. Expats are leaving in droves. But don't take my world for it - just turn on your TV!
Perhaps I do live in a bubble though - I would be really keen to hear if anybody thinks that Hong Kong is better off since the invasion of China?