I have farted on a plane.
There. I've said it.
OMMG, I had neglected this thread but just revisited and came across this post.
Is great as it allows me to continue talking about vaping without hijacking the gentle chit chat thread...
Will try to combine the two things into something that is factually correct yet shows the discrepancy between people's opinions depending on how visible something is. And the views I express here are perfect for an "outrageous" thread.
Fact 1: most people are outraged if they see a person "secretly" vaping on a plane. Of course they are - it is a sin.
Fact 2: That sinner (vaper) is exhaling a visible thing - propelyene glycerol and vegetable glycerine - this is what is put in vapes to give a sense of smoking - a visible vapour.
Fact 3: The average human farts about 14 times a day (dont ask me for quotes - just look it up) So in a long haul flight, that is 7 times. Given the bad travelling diet and the sudden reduction in pressure of flight, I would guess that this number rises to about 10 to 20 times on an average long haul flight.
Fact 4: So on a plane with 300 or so pax, you are in a sealed tube for the flight where no fewer than 3000 farts are released (at the bottom (sorry) end of the scale).
Fact 5: But people are outraged by the couple of litres of propelyene glycerol that they SAW coming from an illicit vapers mouth
This is something that has amazed me over many thousands of flights - the stench of fellow pax. Why can't they have a super airflow so I do not have to incessantly deal with the displeasure of smelling the rear-end outbursts of my fellow pax??????