I'm actually regretting switching a little bit. It's a lovely card, but so far my main issues are:
- Contact-less seems to be hit and miss. It has failed at a number of places I frequent where my old card worked fine.
- The PIN doesn't work. If it's over $100 or contact-less isn't working I have to sign. Felt very old-school signing the slip after lunch yesterday

- They seem to have forgotten my transaction "trends". I've dealt with the fraud team twice already - they blocked my card for a $300 purchase at JB Hi-Fi World Square yesterday afternoon - a place I've shopped at many times before. I do however suspect this might be related to the signing issue as well.
As for reactions, nearly everybody looks at it with curiosity and I've had quite a few comments. Mostly about the weight, but the lovely female host at a Japanese restaurant I frequent said in heavily Japanese accented English "ooh.. very shiny card.. you must be very special customer of American Express" (while making weighing gestures)