Originating routings where there are non-stop flights to NAN seems to be the problem.
It's still possible to get routings like CBR-MEL-NAN-SYD-CBR in J for $1,760.00. And CBR-MEL-NAN-MEL-CBR in J for $1,752.00 (overnight needed in MEL).
CBR-MEL-NAN-SYD-CBR in J earns 260 SCs and 13,426 FF points (if WP).
CBR-MEL-NAN-MEL-CBR in J earns 280 SCs and 14,506 FF points (if WP).
And if bought as two tickets:
CBR-MEL-NAN-SYD-CBR in J is $855.00 + FJ$1453.00 ($772.00), totalling ca $1,627.00
CBR-MEL-NAN-MEL-CBR in J is $855.00 + FJ$1431.00 ($760.00), totalling ca $1,615.00
MEL-NAN in J is $825.00 if bought on the Qantas website (and WPs get Flounge access if it stays open that late

NAN-MEL in J is FJ$1,076.20 ($572.00) if bought on the Air Pacific website.
Total is ca $1397.00 which earns 200 SCs and 12,006FF points (if WP)
I went MEL-SYD-NAN-SYD-MEL in October 2010. That cost $1,337.00 and earnt 240 SCs.
So, it's more expensive than before and doesn't have so many routing options. But it still could be good for some.