Network Aviation (Qantas subsidiary) pilots strike

Nov 12, 2012
Star Alliance
Network Aviation pilots are striking over pay.

Based out of Perth, operates charter flights (resources FIFO) , corporates etc. Reporting suggests that other Qantas services may be impacted as the airline tries to cover the holes.
Using more expensive B737 mainline pilots to fly instead of the striking cheaper F100 and A320/319 Network pilot group. Thats a great use of crew, capital and shareholders money.......:rolleyes:

The era of slicing and dicing the workforce up into competing subsidiaries in a deflationary low interest rate world dosen't work so good when the economy bounces back and competition for staff is increasing in an inflationary period does it?

It seems that IR management of Qantas haven't woken up to the fact that its not 2011 anymore.
Using more expensive B737 mainline pilots to fly instead of the striking cheaper F100 and A320/319 Network pilot group. Thats a great use of crew, capital and shareholders money.......:rolleyes:
NJE/Rex Q400s and E190s are also operating services today on behalf of Qantas.

Surprised John isn’t singing from the rooftops about that…
Using more expensive B737 mainline pilots to fly instead of the striking cheaper F100 and A320/319 Network pilot group. Thats a great use of crew, capital and shareholders money.......:rolleyes:
I would also suspect that there would be delays and cancellations throughout the network caused by this which no doubt will result in Qantas having to shell out for hotels, meals, and of course UK261 (UK) /EU261 (EU) /APPR (Canada) compensation for those travellers who find themselves on an itinerary originating from those respective countries.
I would also suspect that there would be delays and cancellations throughout the network caused by this which no doubt will result in Qantas having to shell out for hotels, meals, and of course UK261 (UK) /EU261 (EU) /APPR (Canada) compensation for those travellers who find themselves on an itinerary originating from those respective countries.

Network Aviation operate contracted WA FIFO and corporate itineraries.
Pilot son of a colleague used to fly small charters out of Darwin now working a FO for a major US airline. Apparently lots of $$$.
I wonder how green is the grass overseas for Australian Pilots.

What are the potential negatives for pilots working overseas?
What stood out to me was the line that said some Network pilots were getting under the bare minimum of the award rates.
“Many of these pilots even earn less than what is included in the air pilots award which is the bare legal minimum,” senior industrial officer Chris Aikens said.

Then according to the Union Rep negotiations have been at a standstill since March and the Network spokesman says he is disappointed the pilots are taking this action when negotiations are ongoing.

This isn't 2011 conditions this is even worse than 1974 when I led negotiations with the NSW Health Commission of the time on junior doctor wages.. And according to the Judge hearing our case in the Industrial court the NSW Health commission were known as one of the worst at that time.

Basically QF needs to replace the board and if no progress is made the new CEO must be changed along with several of the senior management under AJ.
I led negotiations with the NSW Health Commission of the time on junior doctor wages
I didnt know you were at the coalface
Thank to your efforts, 25 years later, I was paid reasonably. but there was still significant pushback when i tried to claim overtime.

One Hospital manager tried to say that I should have told Greg Leslie (vascular surgeon - you might know him) I was to go home while I was holding the DeBakey retractor in someone who was bleeding out from a ruptured abdominal aneurysm. He even said that holding the DeBakey retractor is not part of my resident duties.
I didnt know you were at the coalface
Thank to your efforts, 25 years later, I was paid reasonably. but there was still significant pushback when i tried to claim overtime.

One Hospital manager tried to say that I should have told Greg Leslie (vascular surgeon - you might know him) I was to go home while I was holding the DeBakey retractor in someone who was bleeding out from a ruptured abdominal aneurysm. He even said that holding the DeBakey retractor is not part of my resident duties.
Yes sad indeed. And in NSW the 40 hour week is LAW. So overtime must be paid after 40 hours. I t was decreed by the courts in 1974.
Unfortunately as most junior docs want to get higher qualifications so Admin have them by the short and curlies.
I wish them luck getting better pay/conditions. I can't blame them for taking advantage of the situation in the industry now, there is a supply/demand gap after all.

Yes sad indeed. And in NSW the 40 hour week is LAW. So overtime must be paid after 40 hours. I t was decreed by the courts in 1974.
Unfortunately as most junior docs want to get higher qualifications so Admin have them by the short and curlies.
Not the only industry where that occurs. I'm lucky that after getting my useless uni degree I entered an industry that doesn't (generally) have that issue. My father regaled me in many tales of his time as a junior doctor, including in the UK. I was quite shocked, but I think he also had (and has) a genuine love of medicine, so he was one of those people who just wanted to learn and know everything he could. I think it has served him well in his career, though he's certainly coming to the end of it. But I do wonder, at what cost for himself and others.
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Back in those days it was tougher in the UK for junior doctors. After we won our case and after the Health Commission appealed the verdict we ended up with a 95% wage increase plus the 40 hour week there was an increase in the numbers of UK graduates coming to Australia to finish their training.
I have plenty of those horror stories including one term where I averaged 120 hours a week. But like your father @Must...Fly! I enjoyed those days and would gladly live my life again with no change.
The wheels have fallen off, they can never admit it but they have. I am surprised it has occurred so quickly but there you go.

In the US you can now get a command within 3 months of joining at the majors. What could possibly go wrong?
Having friends who have worked their way up into the major airlines, seeing what they went through "the system" has been broken for years.
After getting a Commercial Pilots licence out of their own pockets, they then worked for small regional/remote carriers to get the hours up, to get to Senior Commercial Pilot, twin rating, Class 1 instrument etc - on virtually slave wages as the owners of the business knew they would only be there for a short while until something opened up on a regional airline. The onto the regional airline for the same process to get hours and experience up, and then onto the majors.
As there were more applicants than seats, that system was supported/maintained - hence the low wages. Now, things have changed.
Fully support the network team for their PIA, they get paid absolute rubbish and have far worse conditions than 'Mainline'

Still annoys me flying twice a week banging around in clapped out F100's (albeit decent legroom) and the absolute disgrace that is some of the ex JQ A320's........Jetstar with a Kangaroo on the tail.

Can only hope this leads to better conditions for these guys and girls.
QantasLink services in WA will be affected by further strike action at Network Aviation on Wednesday 1st November & Thursday 2nd November.

Looking at the QF flight status page for Wednesday, NJE (Rex) and Alliance will again be operating RPT flights on behalf Qantas. Nauru Airlines will also be operating some services (Broome).

The Boeing 717 will also cover some flights, after they positioned one aircraft over to Perth as a back up a few weeks ago. It’s scheduled to operate to Paraburdoo, and marks the return of 717 passenger service in WA since the base closure in 2020.

Here’s hoping the Network crew are able to secure better conditions and pay.

Pilots at Qantas' unit to stop work for two days over wage talks
Striking again this Thursday. I thought VH was going to improve employee relations....

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