Margaret Court called and said all like minded trolls are welcome to live under the bridge in her back garden. Pumpkin scones are made fresh on Wednesdays.
Seriously.... now sure there are conservative and deeply religious people who find any Gay issues or related content, no matter how mild, offensive. That's a given. They are, in our society, entitled to voice and have these opinions no matter what most others may think.
Also in our society, there's the freedom of advertisers to purchase space in media outlets - such as newspapers, magazines and yes, on board on board material on airlines. Just like the seemingly millions of ads for watches in the QF mag and other upmarket brands and items... the advertisers pay and QF puts the content in. It's hardly a political or other statement by the airline management to favour one over the other when it's the advertisers paying for the space I should think.
Why no hetro specific ad? Maybe they bought space in Virgin's mag. Maybe they see the market they are interested to target as elsewhere.. who knows. I seem to recall ads in the past for, what is it Let's do Lunch I think it is? something like that professional dating type things or speed dating, but I don't go out of my way to watch out for that sort of content.
I think, taking the initial post seriously and like minded views, if such an ad is upsetting, than I suspect these people probably go through life upset by a lot of things because really what you walk into a cafe and see 2 people, possibly of the same gender, holding hands or sharing a peck on the cheek? Scandalous!
As to the point of children being "exposed" to this stuff... frankly any kid who would pick up and flick through the mag (when not addicted to an ipad or some other game) would almost certainly flip past that ad as being of almost zero interest - there's no cute animals or smiling suns or trains or pictures of Mickey Mouse to be of interest... and it's amazing how tolerant and inclusive kids are.... I doubt many would care, until their parents decided to influence their world view based on their own beliefs.. and in that case, if a parent was so concerned about "exposure" then they'd be vigilant to only provide "approved" material for their kiddos to enjoy.
re someone watching Game of Thrones or other explicit material in flight.. that's an interesting one because on the one hand we shouldn't be looking at our seatmate's choice of viewing material should we? Kind of if you're going to look and be offended.. well you looked didn't you? However in a confined cabin environment it can be easy to see out of the corner of the eye or whatever... Personally I would not watch stuff like that unless I was in a private seat/suite for that very reason. but that is more courtesy and consideration on my part.
I also recall being on a Singapore train and there was a guy watching GoT on a large tablet standing by a doorway.. that probably broke a rule there somehow

didn't bother me in the slightest of course.
Anyway my popcorn got cold so think I'm done for now