I have another question, would like to get your opinion on the best way to go about this.
So next year in end Aug we are going on the OWA, and the trip starts from Melbourne to Osaka, Osaka to Orlando then Orlando to europe...
When the flight was planned I was using the latest information at the time, despite AA release their flight a lot later than other airline, the Osaka to Orlando leg seems to be available frequent enough. I was searching around yesterday afternoon and noticed there were hardly any from mid Jul onwards, in fact even for economy isn't that many. I am a little worried about there isn't any available for my travel date (around early sept) and the alternative is to get ourselves to Tokyo and fly out from there but Tokyo only has economy available plus it has to go through London before going to Orlando (which i am trying to avoid because i have two transit in my trip already to when we leave orlando to europe, not to mention it would go over the 35k milage), any alternative suggestion? if i wait until AA release their flights ~331 days out will that be too risky? Thanks!
This was our original plan, departing late Aug (bold are the stopovers, underlined are booked)