So now on to QF1579.Surprisingly they had PB and it basically worked.3 people from the general lane did come into the PB lane in front of us but only one was spoken to.i guess the other 2 weren't expecting PB to work.
This flight was different for us as the first time we have flown J on this sector.Just not worth it but this was a J award through to NAN.We hadn't had brekkie so ate the egg tart.

Didn't eat the spinach.I had gone off it when I realised my mother was doing me harm by making me eat all that spinach that is full of iron.Though the iron is in a form not generally available to ordinary folk us C282Y homozygous special people can absorb it to add to our potential problems.
I slept for at least a third of the flight.
On landing at SYD mrsdrron noted a Hercules which was involved in bringing back people from NZ.Off quickly and to gate 15 to get the bus over to the International terminal.i really don't see the problem with this.We are used to doing this at Changi as we use CX a lot from SIN.
Now to the frustrating bit.If we had paid for this next flight with QF we would be on the QF codeshare and get to the Flounge.but as an award ticket with QFF you are put on the FJ flight number.fortunately a J award so we get into the QP.Fly in J and tough.So although QF owns a considerable bit of FJ and FJ is now an OW Connect member it all means diddely squat.
So to the QP.Our Mr.Bintang shirt and family are here along with many others in similiar attire.A few children running amok.We managed to find the last 2 chairs in the people requiring assistance section.well by now my hip was really in need of assistance.At least you get to read the papers here for free.
Boarding was meant to start at 1235 but when we arrived at the lounge it was already pushed back to 1300.So at ~1215 went and looked at the lunch offerings.Well apart from steamed rice and a small dish of zucchini these were the hot options.


A not very appealing vegetable lasagna and Korean beef stew sans beef.there were a few bits of potato in the I wandered up to the cold offerings.this was the centrepiece.

A kale Caesar salad.No thanks.Hopefully the food on the plane would be good.