medhead, if you vote for the coalition after all the bile you post about coalition voters, born to rules, etc etc, your rationales for broken promises then you really do have a problem.
(It might help to know that I often just write stuff for the sake of debate.) I do carefully consider my vote at each election and it change it often.
Bile from me? Have you read this thread. I'm sorry if standing for good governance and standards offends you. I'm sorry for applying your standards for the government to the coalition. I'm sorry if you can accept three word sound bites as policy of leading this country. I'm not sorry for criticising anybody who displays a blatant double standard or anyone who throws around pointless comments and lefties. I'm not sorry for criticising anyone who cannot apply basic scrutiny to the answer they present to our current problems and who resort to name calling of anyone who does apply standards to their golden child.
This is the problem that most in this thread are stuck in the past. They are stuck on Gillard needs to go now and it should be "us" leading the country. That is a born to rule attitude - "it should be us". They're still in denial. They don't seem to understand that the ALP is gone and there is no point even thinking about them. What we need is to understand what we'll get instead.
If you want to go on a magic mystery tour lets consider the coalition's paid parental leave policy. It's a moving feast of hypocrisy.
This leave is going to be paid by a new "levy" of business. Coalition standard for the ALP: "Big new tax".
But that's ok: business will be compensated by reduced company tax. Coalition attack on the ETS: "it won't have any effect if you compensate people"
So paid parental leave is great big spending that is not supported by revenue. Yet the coalition criticises the ALP for under funded spending in relation to education and the NDIS.
Then we have this gem from Tony Abbott this morning. 'If a bloke gets paid holidays, why shouldn't a woman get paid parental leave?' WTF?! Talk about bringing envy into the debate. Even better a gender war. But let's ignore that the woman also gets that paid holiday. Don't bring in the question of financial need. No, lets have an open ended financial drain on taxpayer funds.
I could go on, but the point is I don't need to support either side to spot the gross hypocrisy for applying a standard to the other side while completely ignoring that same standard in those you support.
You accuse me of rationalizing broken promises, I think you'll find I can actually accept that things change. That I know "full steam ahead and damn the torpedoes" is not the answer. I also realise that the coalition only expects blind adherence to past policy because of the political advantage they gain. Come back and talk to me next January when the coalition has broken a swag of promises because things changed.