But with all of these assistance programs so much is spent administering them (mostly making sure they aren't being rorted), that the effectiveness gets diluted. An unfortunate consequence of our convict past, perhaps?
Whether it's better to have the baby-bonus money wasted on pokies or wasted on making sure it doesn't get wasted on pokies is a perfect right-wing vs left-wing argument!
I'm not a big fan of just giving people money to make up for problems with health, age, whatever. Here's why.
First, there's the problem of money being spent on things for which it wasn't intended. Then there's the cost of administration.
But mainly there's the effective marginal tax rates that make for poverty traps. Let's say that you earn a certain amount, not a lot, but you get all sorts of targetted welfare. If you get a raise or do a bit of overtime, that lifts you into the next assessment bracket and all your benefits reduce or disappear entirely. If you count the loss of benefits as a tax rate, then you might be paying over a hundred percent in tax for a modest increase in income.
For some scenarios, the EMTR jumps to several hundred percent. You go backwards in large lumps.
This doesn't really do a lot to reduce the gap between rich and poor if it's not worth your while making an effort to improve your circumstances.
Now, I believe very strongly in the measure of a culture being the way in which it treats the most vulnerable. I am appalled at seeing people sleeping out in the snow in Washington DC, for example. Maybe the Yanks can walk from one side of the Atlantic to the other on the decks of aircraft carriers, but if they can't look after the homeless, then that's a fail in my book.
We need programs to help those in need. Doctors for the poor, houses for the homeless, jobs for the unemployed, teachers for the ignorant. I say make the resources available, make them free, make them so that the government can help people help themselves.
And cut back on administration. Jack Waterford tells the story of a chap in a remote Aboriginal community who spoke to some government official. "You the tenth government bloke out here this week. And you all come in different cars!"
If we are building public service empires rather than solving problems, we're wasting our money.