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At least I'm having a good laugh on some of the posts today on Good Friday.
The unemployment figures are basically incorrect. If you count the number of unemployed and under employed the numbers are up in the high teens and maybe higher.
Just one of the many fiddles employed (sorry) by the spin doctors to make the figures fit the rhetoric. Parameters governing definitions of under-employment as well as classifications of unemployed, fully employed, part-time employed are all adjusted to suit. Similarly, a discernible difference can be made by adjusting the allowed percentage for unemployable. Shifting recipients onto a differently defined Centrelink benefit immediately affects the figures.
Whilst you ladies continue your futile (yet funny) struggle
You obviously haven't understood what Gillard meant by the term misogynist.
You're not a lady?
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Debt unbelievably low???
It's the highest it EVER has been in Australia's history!!
And all those points you quote from the 3rd party endorsements of our economy are because of how the Coalition left the economy for Labor.
Labor inherited low debt (actually zero debt, and a surplus in the bank).
They have blown out the debt
and re-regulated labor laws.
The economy is in "ok" shape despite this current Labor Govt.... Not because of them.
And you can't compare Australia to all the basket cases of the world and say "oh look aren't we doing great compared to all those bankrupt economies".
If that's your view of the country's economy, then I'm concerned about how you run your household finances.
I certainly hope to never end up your creditor.
If you believe that Australia has been running a 0% inflation rate since federation, then perhaps. As a percentage of GDP, not even close.
And the Coalition's economic record was built on the back of the neo liberal reforms of the Hawke and Keating years. Although Hawke and Keating were a little less prone to dishing up hand outs to the well off (private health insurance rebate, private school funding, non means tested welfare payments, et al).
They've saved jobs and kept the economy growing. Other countries such as the UK have see massive spikes in unemployment and continuing recession while still failing to avoid growing debt through austerity budgets. Who'd thought that stimulating an economy would require, em, economic stimulus? :shock:
Wasn't WorkChoices 900-1000 pages of deregulation? Or is "workplace flexibility" only meant to be a one way street?
The GFC just never happened, did it? The millions of unemployed in Europe and the US and those news reports of Cypriots camping out at ATMs are just a fantasy, actually.
Unless we're counting the entire membership of the OECD as "basket cases" and "bankrupt", I think it may be a fair comparison.
Unless you managed to get a mortgage that was only about 30% of your annual income (when most mortgages would be several hundred percent of annual income, a far higher ratio than the debt to GDP ratio of Australia), I'm not sure that you know how to run your household finances based on your own line of logic. But then again, I would thank that most people can spot some teensy, weeny differences between the average household budget and the budget of an organisation with its own army, police force, court and prison systems, taxation office, bank and mint.
Just travel regional Australia outside of mining areas and you will see many closed businesses.
If China stops it's stimulus program we are toast.
It's a completely legitimate policy debate to have as to the best fiscal policy to pursue.
It's also completely legitimate to argue in favour of the current government's fiscal strategy.
But it is completely fanciful to suggest that debt is low (as Browski attempted to do above).
Browski I would recommend you read "macro business" to get a better understanding of the problem. If you add in the State government and local government debt plus all of their unfunded retirement for employees I think the total indebtedness we face is over 6 times your number. There is no doubt we need to make changes but unless there is a miracle we still have to wait to get rid of that dope Wayne Swan.
Wayne's idea of monthly company tax payments will result in layoffs to fix cash flow difficulties.
Listening to the news today and i see Emerson on their again talking about "ordinary Australians" super being safe, that the super of workers won't be touched etc, etc...
Do these guys ever stop the class warfare nonsense and stop trying to be divisive and just think of Australian as Australians, I don't recall the former Libs ever talking so extensively in these terms, I think it (and would hope any Australian Govt) should be about putting in place incentives and opportunities for everyone to benefit, to make the cake bigger rather than these current bunch of rabble rousers who only ever seem to worry about dividing it up smaller and smaller and touting how much they are redistributing it and manipulating one segment against another...
How about if they describe their intentions as "We are going to make it harder for the obscenely rich to get obscenely richer via the superannuation regulations."? Would that be OK??? Thought not.
Winding down the histrionics a bit .... since superannuation was brought in to encourage/force people and their employers to fund their own retirement, there have been many tweaks and twiddles. It's a bit like the taxation laws - they try to make it fairer each time and close a few loopholes that the unscrupulous exploit to the max (no-one here of course), but its a moveable feast and the greedy find another way of avoiding paying their share.
A particular favourite of late was to make the maximum allowed contributions and then take the lump sum as a pension once you had reached the requisite age, whilst starting a new scheme and getting tax breaks both ways. All within the law of course but a coughisation of the intent.
But ...... I'm not a fan of any government shifting the goalposts so I will applaud any party that can come up with a fair and durable system where everyone knows where they stand and the correct amount of incentive is applied to all.
Alas - this debate is going the same way as media laws and the imbecilic sheep that think they own this country will cry wolf like they always do, and we will retain the broken system. Wouldn't want to make any progress, would we?