I'm pretty sure i will be, by the end, a net contributor rather than a net taker which i will be happy with... I've been unemployed before and been on benefits, but i didn't see it as something to hang around on... Welfare should be a safety net, but more than a few see as a viable lifestyle option... And oh, if i can't get better income off of welfare I'll stay on it... No, that shouldn't be an option, you stay on it while you need it and when there is something to replace you get off it... You don't continue to milk it all as much as you can...
At the end of the day being poor sucks, i've been there (don't ever want to be there again) and we can talk all about all the ways to transfer wealth to the poor and disadvantage etc, schemes for trying to get some super savings, schemes for helping them meet costs of living etc but at the end of the day if your a low income earner life will always be tough and choices and options limited... And if doesn't get better, it only gets harder as you get older...
Probably the biggest advantage i had in life, apart from what some might call a kind of intelligence (Moods and others will probably disagree

) is parents that taught us some work ethic, taught the importance of vision, the importance of education and how to educate ourselves, how to not buy and spend on everything your eyes fall on, all this instant gratification... I think being a good role model and educator of your children can be your biggest contribution to society...
So while my friends were playing sports or on the video games or watching tv on the couch, i was working full time while going to uni at nights for 4-5 years (back before the internet and classes online) and meeting up with group members at the library on the weekend to do assignments and getting home from classes at 9.30-10pm... Not much fun, but I had the longer term view in mind rather than the immediate fun and enjoyment... So when i took the harder road to improve myself early on so that i can advance myself up a few rungs of the ladder and enjoy the benefits for the better part of my life i get a bit annoyed at people who see what i have done and achieved (and i am not within a bulls roar of being wealthy, just about to hit $100k) and think that i need to be taxed more, or load me up with levies for this and that, i'm paying for private health care while i pay the medicare levy as well etc, etc...
It annoys me slightly... I don't feature in "the working class" rhetoric of this government, even though in WA i heard someone say the other day that $100,000 is the average wage over here, and aren't all the costs of living going up to match it!!!!