Indeed, read the fine print.
If you earn 70K which includes $30k in franked dividends, that income goes into the pot to adds up to $100k.
The sooner we change this government out the better.
Indeed, only low income earners should pay tax. Really the indignity of rich people paying tax really is beyond the pale.
Why the hell you shouldn't pay tax on earnings however earnt is beyond me. And yes superannuation is for your retirement, well guess what I'll bet your demands for medical care don't decrease, nor will a heap of other demands yet you're unwilling to pay reasonable taxes to fund those needs.
I know we've all paid taxes all of our lives but who said taxes stop at a certain age? Or a certain high level of income? Especially when you're going to consume more?
And we're talking about an income of >$100,000, not exactly a small income and better than most people will ever attain in their working lives.
Still Abbott and co will be in government in about five months and then you can start at least three years of whinging about how bad Labor was and why paying any tax is a bad idea. There will be no nation building or long term planning. Tony Abbott has already said no to trains and yes to more freeways. That will be the tone of his prime ministership. More for his mates and less for the taxpayers who should be thankful they can breathe the same air as the rich people.
By then Work Choices Mark II will be implemented, no more carbon tax and most importantly the small level of tax credits for low income earners' superannuation will be repealed and the possibility of taxes on high levels of superannuation income will be but a bad dream. The world will be as it should be. However, the whinging that all people should fund their own retirement will go on with no thought to the absolute hypocrisy some people display.
As for the poor people complaining, well '
let them eat cake'!