The trip into Santiago was uneventful. We went straight to the airport as
JohnM had a flight that evening and I was booked into the Holiday Inn there and was meeting up with my friends who were flying in from Peru. We were flying onto Easter Island the next morning

We returned the hire car without hassle; I bade farewell to
JohnM; it was a very successful travel partnership; I don't think we had a single disagreement, although I am sure I was a bit more cautious in where we went off-road after we discovered the shortcomings of our wheels, and the spare.
The HI at SCL is right across the road from International Arrivals and is well set-up. This was my second stay here.
Dinner there - the reason for this pic was to show off another wine/grape variety I discovered (or had put under my nose by JohnM

) - Carmenere.
Check-in was a bit odd. We headed for the domestic check-in, and the line clearly marked for my flight. Although my friends were travelling in Y, we were going to check in together in the Preferente Lane. However the agent there clearly told us to go to International Check-in, even after I pointed to the signs saying we were in the correct area. Hmmm, I thought, maybe we will get to use the LATAM international lounge prior to our flight.
We made our way to the International check-in area (LH pic below) and my friends were checked-in without fuss. I was a different story. Problem. Other agents consulted. Furious tapping on key board and peering into screen. Job handed over to more senior agent. I enquired what the problem was. "We have you on stand-by." :shock: :evil: :shock:
I asked for more information. Turned out 'my 'seat wouldn't recline and they were looking for an alternative. Gee, I'd hope so

After 15 min or so I asked for an update. We still have a problem. After ascertaining that the only problem was a lack of recline ("yes") I said I'd take the seat - it was a day flight and for the sake of getting on board, that didn't count much.
Then things got strange. Was offered a voucher for US$300 (travel) - accepted and then was given a different seat. Whatever. It had taken 20 mins to that point and I was getting fed up.
Got on board - went to 3K my allocated seat; it reclined OK. Then spotted
Denali and +1 in row 2 ahead of where I should have been and went to say hi (we were expecting to catch up). No-one had turned up to 3A (my original seat) so I hoped I might get to sit there anyway, especially when I looked over and saw that my seat mate on the other side had turned up - and this was the sight.
I went over and told him to get his dirty feet off the seats. I also asked a FA that id 3A was unoccupied on departure, I'd like to move there to be with my friends. Some-one did turn up, but the FA, unbidden by me, asked her if she would mind swapping, and she agreed. Embarrassed, as I don't like doing that sort of thing (although I repaid the favour later), I moved back to 3A. As far as I could tell, it too reclined no problem.
Anyway here is Denali and +1 in an approved pic, and the J cabin in general.
Breakfast menu and my selection - cold cuts. Was OK.