Perth Meet A Moderator, Part III

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Jun 20, 2002

Sounds like a Godfather sequel, doesn't it...

After my very fortunate Business Class JASA fares (still better than the current QF advertisements), my next trip to PER was upon me. This trip was a little different, a little more relaxed even, as I'd organised my return flight to coincide with Exhibition Wednesday holiday in my home city Brisbane. This meant a leisurely departure time of midday from Perth, rather than the late afternoon or late night usual departures (with their own negatives). It also gave me more time to extract maximum value from the trip.
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Sunday, 14th August

After having a friends 40th birthday the night before at a local hall (with a plethora of kids playing including my own) and not getting home until 9pm, we all had a sleep in this morning - well, for parents with young kids, 8am IS a sleep in. We had another birthday party to attend thus morning at 10am (a friends' son turning 5), thankfully it was only a kilometre away as when we left, all I had done was to get my luggage out and had my FF bag, laptop and client files sitting next to it.

We got back at 1.30pm, enough time for me to organise my work attire, toiletries and pack my bag. I had mentally prepared what I wanted to wear and that made my job easier.

We left at 2.15pm after getting the kids back in the car, hoping that one or both of the kids might fall asleep on the way, but a sugar hit from the birthday cake had my daughter wired and I have no idea how my son was still awake. I drove to the airport, jumping out and removing my gear from the boot and kissing them all goodbye. It was sad to see them drive away as I would miss 4 nights of bathing, dinner, reading and putting my kids to bed - something I enjoy immensely. I would have to make do with ringing them before bedtime (alas, my wife doesn't have an iPhone 4, or FaceTime would be employed).

I waved them goodbye, walked across the roads and into the Terminal, extracting my QFF Gold card as I walked towards the Gold/Plat check-in area on the RHS. I flashed my card to the attendant who waved me through and I walked to barriers to the front of the line with another woman slightly ahead - when we arrived, there were two CSA's motioning to us and I walked up to Catherine. I gave over my card, advising I was in QF663 to ADL then QF599 to PER, had already checked in (at the previous nights' party) and was seated in 3D on both flights. She swiped my card and found the booking, asked whether I wanted to have my BP on my mobile (which I declined) and then printed out my BP's and luggage receipt - which I had noticed was only 18kgs. I thanked her and turned left to head through the Terminal to the Security line.

There, from past experience, I took off my Colorado shoes (as the shoelace eyelets had pinged previously), unloaded my laptop and iPhone into the tray and sailed through the scanner. Collecting everything in the other side, I re-tied my shoes and picked my moment so as to not get picked for a secondary ion scan. Up the escalator I went, turned left and headed for the QC doors and veered right as I showed my Business BP to the Receptionist. I looked across at the QP Service Desk and saw Christian, a CSA of long standing. The frosted Business Door hummed open and almost immediately I greeted John Lazarou (Marketing Director from The Coffee Club) at the Business Service Desk, being checked in by Linda Fletcher. I stopped to say hi to them both (given I know both of them) and chatted with John whilst Linda organised his BP's to SYD (tonight) and WGA (tomorrow morning). We walked into the lounge together and over the next 30 mins before my boarding call, talked about seeing him a couple of weeks ago at his new CC at 123 Albert Street (owned by his son) s well as their new store (their second) at Wagga Wagga, where they were getting into a strategic partnership with IGA (the lead tenant in the shopping centre).

I told him I'd be a regular at his son's store given my Accountants had moved into the building over this weekend. Before we could look at our watches, my boarding call was announced, so I said goodbye and wandered out to Gate 21 , where I saw a line-up still to be processed so I chose a comfort stop instead.

I chose to sit and wait at the line of chairs near the service desk until the line had decreased to a couple of stragglers and whilst there, had to laugh (almost out loud) at the two people who at the scanner, couldn't find their BP's. How did they expect to get on? Back to the service desk they went (including having to show ID) and only when they had been processed, did I get up and prompty sat down, as the line up to board the aircraft was almost back to the glass doors after scanning. I waited until they called for remaining pax before I decided to present myself, noting that the queue hadn't noticeably decreased - but only 3 pax came after me.

I don't enjoy lines (particularly long ones), so I checked my FB messages as we inexorably snaked our way down to the corner of the aerobridge, turned left and made our way slowly to the door, where I was greeted by Kay and Deb.
QF663 BNE/ADL Depart: 3.55pm
Seat: 3D (Business)
FA's: Deb, Kay Robinson (CSD)

I found my seat without any trouble and thought I had lucked in (having a seat beside me free), until the last pax to board advised me he was in 3F.

I was originally seated in 3D, but the pax in 2D asked if I would move to his seat, as he and the pax in 3C hadn't seen one another for 15 years. Being an obliging guy and knowing my karma was good (after a similar change allowed my family to sit together on our recent SYD/HKG), I acquiesced and picked up my laptop from under my seat. I greeted my new seat mate and when offered by Deb, settled in with a juice and soon after, the Courier Mail.

After a truly uneventful push-back, take-off and reaching our cruising altitude, Kay offered me a beverage and a G&T, but I declined the nuts on offer. Soon after, a snack was offered:

Snack: Thai Salad with Pork or Smoked Salmon with marinated Artichoke Heart & Red Peppers, Goats Cheese and Pesto; Sticky Date Cupcake

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Wines: Jacobs Creek St Hugo Cabernet Sauvignon 2006 & Red Claw Chardonnay 2008.

I don't drink white wine, so the St Hugo it was - and as I wasn't driving in ADL, inbibed a number of glasses during the flight. The snack was just the right size, perfectly marinated and I savoured it.

The service was great - I do love the older (Baby Boomer) FA who embodies service with a smile, the regular walk through enquiring as to top-ups and yet the unobtrusive manner in which they do their job.

I wandered from the Gate to both ends of the Terminal in order to work off some of the effects of the red wine and then headed into the QC. A quick flash of my BP gained me access and I sat down at the long bench next to the bank of computers and rang some Adelaide friends who are also clients.

After the call, I settled down to recharge my mobile and went via the buffet to pick up some pizza slices, cheese and olives.

Returning to my seat, I sat down and filed away the remaining time reading the client file for my first meeting tomorrow.

The QC made a call that the QC was closing in 5 minutes, after the departure of the last QF flight (ours) and shortly thereafter called our flight which was leaving from Gate 21 (almost directly across from the QC).

I joined the queue with the group of pax disgorged from the QC and wandered down the ramp to the aerobridge and onboard.
QF599 ADL/PER "Tenterfield"
Seat: 3D (Business)
FA's: Carla, Cathy Taken (CSM)

I noticed as I was sitting down that in Seat 3A was an West Coast Eagles coach or staff member (had the Eagles polo shirt on, looked familiar with a youngish chubby face).

Next to me was a JQ Captain, deadheading to PER to operate the PER/OOL overnight flight. We had a good chat about flying and in particular the turbulence that we were encountering along the way.

During the flight, the captain came on to suspend service a couple of times due to turbulence. The second time, he indicated that pilots ahead of us had indicated there was clear air in about 40 kms. Within a couple of minutes we hit a patch of bad turbulence and my seatmate quiped wryly: "Must have been a DJ pilot" and we both chuckled.

Entree: Proscuito Salad

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Main: Chicken Salad with Goats Cheese, Pinenuts and vinaigrette; or Seared Salmon with Putanesca sauce, partnered with a Cullen Cabernet Sauvignon Merlot 2006

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Dessert: Maggie Beers Burnt Fig, Honeycomb and Caramel Ice Cream partnered with a Mitcheltons Botrysis 2010

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I have taken a really liking to the flavours in this ice cream (intriguing for one that doesn't like caramel - I'm sure it's the burnt fig that I really like) and it obviously showed, as Deb offered me a second as she watched me polish off the first one with delight. It was sad to see nobody else taking up the dessert wine and I didn't want to see it go down the gurgler, so I managed to convince myself to have another glass (perhaps two ;-))

It was a REALLY pleasant flight after that and again the service from the cabin staff was particularly good. The last two flights have embodied the expectation that I and other Business class pax have when it comes to service...if only this standard could be maintained across the fleet, both domestic and International.

We landed uneventfully and during the taxi to the Terminal, were advised by the Captain that we would be parking on the tarmac, rather than at a Gate. Oh well, a brisk walk across to the Terminal was probably going to help my constitution and once inside and up the escalators, I said goodbye to my seatmate as he headed off to his "office" and his outbound crew and flight.

I was the first to carousel 3, where our flight number was showing and waited until my bag appeared (thankfully within the first 10 bags) then proceeded left through to the taxi rank (a short cut that I can't believe I hadn't used previously). In doing that I beat a throng of people coming around from the QF side and I snaked my way around the barriers to the head of the queue and was guided into position 4 by the controller. Off to my hotel driver, the Hilton on Mill Street - a short epithet coalesced in my head bit wasn't shared, as he got confused with Hilton (the suburb) and the Hotel - so I corrected that before we had left the airport precinct.

Upon arriving at the hotel, I was met by Sarah B at reception (whom I recognised from previous stays) to whom I gave my HHonors card & Macquarie Hilton CC. She welcomed me back and proceeded to check me in. When I advised that I had two bookings on different rates for tonight and tomorrow, she was surprised (that it hadn't been picked up during their sweep of bookings) and advised me on the first night (on a special package rate) I had been upgraded to a King Room, however on the 2nd night (on the more expensive Best Available Rate), I had been upgraded to a King Suite. She excused herself and ducked her head around the door to speak to the Duty Manager, asking him whether it was alright to check me into the King Suite for both nights (as it was available tonight and she didn't want me to have to change rooms). I loved the sound of that, so I didn't dissuade her from her mission. I suppose being a regular at the hotel over the last 10 years helped my cause there (rather than the status).

By this stage, (10.45pm WST), my body was starting to scream "bed" and I needed to heed it's call. I was escorted up to my room (921) by Concierge whom I tipped and then proceeded to unpack the essentials in order to make myself ready for the ensuing day.
Monday, 15th August

Understandably, I completed a "I caught them at their best" comment card regarding the service from Sarah B. and handed it in at Reception the next morning on my way to breakfast. Upon my return that afternoon after my client meetings, she was again on duty and thanked me for doing it. I commented that with the change to the Suite, I had missed out on my complimentary water bottles and welcome gift. She advised that they no longer did that at the property, rather she immediately issued me with two free drink vouchers (beer, wine or soft drink) which I knew would come in handy later.

Barely was I in my room when I got a phone call from the clients I was seeing tonight to say that they couldn't see me - the wife (a QF casual FA) had been called in for a sign on at 5pm, so they wanted to delay our meeting until tomorrow. Given they are good friends from BNE, I was looking forward to having dinner with them and their kids and looking to get sizable business from them. I advised them I could switch to tomorrow night and then hoped some of the AFF members I had organised to meet tomorrow night could meet tonight instead. After ringing the 4 for whom I had mobile numbers, it seemed it was going to work out so we arranged a 7pm meet at The Greenwood (see thread). That also gave me the chance to change to casual clothes and head downstairs to use one of my drink chits whilst I waited for cove, who had kindly offered to pick me up.

Was a great night out with (L-R) missafternoondelight, cove & v8Statesman - no prizes for guessing what we spoke about during dinner.

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Excellent service at dinner from the wait staff and our meals (see photo's) were well worth it.

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cove was kind enough to drop me back at the Hilton ~ 10.45pm and I went upstairs and logged onto AFF (of course) - which meant a late night of Moderation and posting
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Returning from the Greenwood hotel I remembered I wasn't the only one to splash my front with dinner. It seems to happen a bit so I don't look forward to getting older and developing a shaky hand.
Our moderator picked a stormy night for our night out so he brought some cool,wet and windy weather with him so a few gum trees were dropping debris on the road.
I was impressed that v8Statesman had the ability to completely upgrade the phone pictures within seconds so this time we were pictured without the Star Treck SciFi eyes.
If it means he is a "rainmaker" he is welcome in Perth as last year we were locked in a nasty drought and it seems he brings wet weather every time.
By the way I had the first account from 28 Degrees and sure enough there were no fees at all and the statement came by email so it was immediately paid using BPay. I plan to use that card in England and Europe to get fee free purchases to avoid those 3% to 5% rake offs that our banks are famous for in Australia on foreign transactions.
I should have a shiny new $US American Express card this weekend that is fee free and earns points when we spend time in the US three or four times a year. Getting that card had a high level of difficulty so don't bother if you go to the US occasionally.
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Tuesday, 16 August

Another day full of meetings, this time mostly out of the CBD, so I had organised to pick up a car at Hertz (Milligan Street - nicely situated just 2 blocks around the corner from the Hilton).

After waking at 7.45am, I turned on the TV (first station was ABC24) to hear the breaking news of the QF announcement at 8am WST, so time to put on the kettle and settle back into bed to listen and catch the front pages of The Australian that had been slipped under my door. I also got AFF up on my iPhone to follow the ensuing debate there - of course there was plenty as the news trickled out through the presentation.

I was starting this morning with a 9.30am meeting across the road from the hotel, with one of my biggest clients. Nothing like sitting down to have a leisurely breakfast then having a phone call from your first client to say that a pick up of forms from him had to happen NOW as he needed to go out to see clients for the rest of the day (that meeting had similarly been sprung on him). As I was only half way through breakfast, I explained my predicament to Maya who said they would hold my table for me. I literally walked out of the Hilton, crossed the road to my clients building, saw him for less than 3 minutes then walked back to finish breakfast - the cooked part.

That then freed me until 10.30am and I checked out of the Hilton at 10.15am, paid for the last night and walked with my luggage to Hertz.

Check-in there was a breeze and a Group G Toyota Corolla Auto was supplied as requested. $79 all in and I was away to see 2 clients in Leederville, then back across town to Booragoon for an afternoon appointment - finally back to the Hertz office to give the car back and walk down Hay Street to check-in to my accomodation for the night, Holiday Inn City Centre, drop my luggage and head back to St Georges Terrace for a 4pm appointment.

I'd chosen it merely because I could spend some PC points there rather than spending the $375+ that IC or HI Burswood wanted (plus taxi fares) or the $420 that the Hilton wanted - not that I expected anything as I'd had a poor experience there a number of years ago and had sworn off the property. But tonight it gave me what I needed - 20k points + $40 for the night.

I wasn't expecting an upgrade, but I was bowled over by the GM card + bottle of wine;

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as well as the Complimentary Mini-bar.

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I headed back to my appointment, then returned to my room to get casual for my evening appointment and dinner with my friends and their kids (Needless to say, I took the free contents of my room to help the evening along :D). It was a long but ultimately rewarding night and I collapsed back into bed after returning at midnight.
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Wednesday, 17 August

Firstly, photos of the room that I took last night.

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Thankfully, I had a sleep in until 8am, as my first (and only) appointment was in the BankWest Tower on St Georges Tce at 9am. Went downstairs for breakfast, taking my complementary newspaper and sat next to the window looking down on Hay Street. I was offered the services of the Chef to cook eggs "my way" however I decided I didn't have the time. Having to pay for my breakfast was also unusual, given my past 2 nights at the Hilton where it was included.

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So upon checkout, I actually had something on my account but that was easily paid and I hot footed it to my appointment. I was out in just under an hour, leaving the BankWest Tower from the side entrance, checked the streets for the taxi rank and headed the 100m to the Swan Taxi in the front.

The journey to the airport was interesting, between checking emails and listening to the Cab driver have a go at the Federal Labour party and their woes. I'd checked in the night before back in my room, so was really looking forward to the A332 flight to MEL and the comfort of Business Class.
Reaching the airport, I headed straight for the Business/Gold/Platinum queue, which again was empty and I offered my QFF card, advising the flight & seat numbers. With the weight of my bag confirmed, it was tagged and the CSA handed me back my BP's (with the baggage tag on the reverse of the MEL/BNE one) and wished me happy travels. Turning left, I threaded my way past the bank of check-in machines and to the dedicated elite line for security, not that it was going to make a difference today. Shedding my laptop, mobile and shoes I encountered no beeps and again successfully missed out in an Ion scan.

I proceeded up the escalator to the departures level and onto the second escalator which took me to the hallowed chamber of the QC. Flashing my BP, I entered and turned left, firstly heading for the buffet to assuage my slight hunger, not wanting to overdo it and spoil my lunch on board. I moved to the other end of the QC to the work benches and powered up my laptop and mobile whilst checking AFF and clearing a couple of PM's (the life of a Moderator :eek: ).

When I heard the boarding call, I packed up and exited the Lounge via the escalator to the Gates. As mine was Gate 14, I had no further to walk and I looked at the two lines of pax boarding, noticing too late the AFF tag handing off the laptop bag of a pax as he scanned his FF card. I probably should have called out but thought against it and kept my place in the line snaking it's way to the Gate.

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QF802 PER/MEL Airbus 322 Depart: 11.55am
Seat: 6J (Business)
FA: Luciano (CSD), Grant, Phil, Julie

Ah, I do like an A332, particularly when I've been flying in 734's. Julie welcomed me at the Gate BP reader and I was one of the last onboard, but still found space for my FF bag in the overhead compartment and my laptop under my feet, as I had full intentions of working on this sector.

Well, best laid plans...I was happier reading the Fin Review and being well looked after by Grant and Luciano. I watched and listened to Phil on the other aisle and commented to him how professional his delivery was, to which I think he was startled.

Another G&T was the go before the meal was served and a couple of bags of the nuts - I thought it would be nice to have them warmed up, ala UA style. My seatmate in 6K was an FA's partner so we chatted between service about flying (as one does), work and Perth.

Entree: Smoky bacon and tomato soup

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Main: Choices of Pork with roasted vegetables or Chicken Breast with rissoni (both hot) or a (cold) Smoked Salmon salad.

By the time they got to my row, only the Pork remained however that was always going to be my choice.

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Wines: Sidewalk 2009 Chardonnay, Voyager Estate 2010 Sauvignon Blanc Semillon & Leeuwin Estate 2008 Shiraz

Dessert: Cheese & Fruit Plate, or Maggie Beers' Burnt Fig, Honeycomb & Caramel Ice Cream with Almond Biscotti

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This was truly a relaxing flight and I was almost a little sad when we descended and hit the runway. Bit that was where the fun began. I had booked a minimum connection (40 mins) and all I was going to do was try to catch up with the AFF'er on board then walk to my Gate.

Well, we docked at the Gate and all exited our seats, collected our hand luggage and as they were deplaning from Door 2L, I was perfectly positioned to be off in the first few in order to spot the AFF member.

I was waiting next to Door 2R with Julie. We thought that the aerobridge was a little slow and next the CSD Luciano advised that the Gate crew were having trouble connecting the aerobridge to the plane and were working to fix the problem.

Meanwhile, the impatient Catering staff started banging on 2R to be let in. Julie was looking out the small window in the door, then ended up back in the first row if economy trying hand signals but to no avail. Eventually, she wrote a note and stuck it to the window and they understood and desisted from their pounding.

Some 10 minutes later (we's been standing about 15 mins by this stage), the captain came on the PA to advise that the aerobridge at 2L was not responding to the Engineers ministrations (and dare I say it, protestations - not that I could hear them) and he advised they were now bringing out the aerobridge at Door 1L from which all pax would deplane. So turning around, there was a rousing cheer (with a couple of epithets thrown in for good measure) and we filed out.

Sadly, whilst I was standing out in the exit way, I didn't spy the AFF'er (who I later found out was samiam).


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It was then time to turn my attention to my final homeward bound sector and I was starting to tire of the time zone changes and reduced oxygenation in the metal tubes I had been flying.

I was fortunate to have my next flight taking off from the Gate next to my arrival, so I didn't have to stress and run the length of the Terminal, nor did I have the time to head to the QC. However, it did mean that the line had already formed for boarding and I had missed any chance of preferred boarding by the late arrival of my flight.

QF632 MEL/BNE Boeing 738
Depart: 6.05pm
Seat: 3D (Business)
FA's: Robert Townsend (CSD), Saniko

I greeted Saniko at the door in my limited Japanese, but it was enough to elicit a smile and clap from her for my poor attempt.

I greeted the middle aged exec in the window seat, both of us settled into quaffing the proffered juice and flicking through The Australian. Normally I would have struck up a conversation but my energy levels were diminishing as darkness enveloped our plane as we took off into the night sky, our blinking lights giving a morse code of goodbye to MEL.

On this sector I finally remembered to include something that had happened on each previous one - the hot towel. I find there is a vast range of quality from the entire towel being scalding and I can only touch with my finger tips as I flap it around to dissipate the heat, to barely being touched by the hot water on the outside and the middle remains cold. Anecdotally, I would probably prefer a cold towel just as much as a properly prepared hot towel...

Yet another G & T was my pre-dinner drink of choice as I mused about the past few days travel in J and how I would miss it if I didn't collect more QF points to use towards JASA fares. This trip was going to bring me 70 SC's short of Gold only half way through my membership year, however I know I have little hope of being able to reach Plat.

My thoughts were curtailed with the arrival of dinner:

Main: Choice of (hot) Stir Fried Beef & Black Bean with Asian Greens or (cold) Chicken Salad

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Wines: Shaw Smith 2010 Sauvignon Blanc, Jacobs Creek St Hugo Cabernet Sauvignon 2006

Dessert: Cheese & Fruit Plate, or Maggie Beers' Burnt Fig, Honeycomb & Caramel Ice Cream with Almond Biscotti, partnered with more Middletons
(You've seen enough photo's of that)

I came to the realisation over dessert that whilst I had connected with this flight, would my luggage have been so lucky? Whilst we had trouble with our door to exit the aircraft, would the baggage handlers have had more time with my bag. I wasn't worried about my dirty clothes, more the client files that contained revenue for my business that I wanted to hand over to my staff for processing. I had maximized the volume and weight in my two carry-ons, so there was little that I could have done differently.

Upon landing at 8.20pm and being given the go ahead to turn on mobiles, I turned mine on and then deselected Flight Mode. Before I could even begin to message my wife, a message appeared from Qantas, sent at 8.10pm:

"We regret to advise that 1 of yr bags have been delayed & now expected to arrive on QF636/17AUG at 22:15. To ensure we have yr delivery details, pls call us on 1300306968 (0700-2100 AEST) & quote ref BNEQFxx_xx or visit Baggage Svcs on your arrival. We apologise for any inconvenience."

Damn. Did I want to wait another 2 hours for my bags to arrive. Hmmm, my body clock said it was only 10pm now, I don't think that I could wait at the airport for another 2 hours, so I made the call once I was in a taxi. Joy answered my call and I have her my reference, contact numbers and delivery address. I asked when the first delivery ws in the morning and she replied leaving the airport at 7am. That sounded a lot better, so I opted for that - of course if the QP was to remain open until the arrival of the MEL flight, I probably would have opted for that.

It was time to get home, greet my wife, kiss my sleeping children and sink into my own bed.

Until next time...zzzzzzzzz

P.S. The bag was returned about 9.30am the next morning - but I was already at work.
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