We decided to check out Fishing Bridge and realised our error as soon as we turned down the road and crossed the bridge
One lane (one way at a time), on what was only barely a road, more a single gravel track, that we had no way to turn around on. Into the village past the very long line of vehicles waiting to drive back out to the main road. We chucked a u-turn and joined the queue. Maybe 20 minutes later, might have been longer, the line started to move and we were freed from Fishing Bridge. The turn to Lake Village was literally a couple of minutes further down the road.
Lake Village has two places to stay –
Lake Yellowstone Hotel (and cabins) and
Lake Lodge. For some reason I had it in my mind we were staying in the cabins at Lake Hotel but we were actually at Lake Lodge, a couple of minutes further around the lakes edge, in a Frontier cabin. It was US$175.76.
Best of all, Lake Lodge had paid internet! On check-n I asked if they had internet and what the cost was and it was explained that it was actually free, but it had died that morning ☹ No check-in or seat selection would be happening for us for the flight to SLC
The cabin was excellent. It was huge. I’d imagine some would have two doubles/queens in the same space we had a single queen bed. A coffee machine even. Best of all a shower and loo!
the pillow chips from Grant Village
I had plans to go for a swim in the lake but wanted to test the waters first. We saw some young people who I presumed were staff coming back from the lake with towels so it must have been ok to swim. I walked out to less than knee deep and beat a hasty retreat.t was bloody freezing.
Lake Lodge from the lake
Instead we went back to the hotel, grabbed a rocking chair
and had some beers
Further down the road near the road I watched a bison casually ambling up the middle of it before turning into the forest.
Dinner at the
Lake Hotel Dining Room was recommended. I even put long pants on (well, jeans).
The cabins at the Lake Yellowstone Hotel
back door for us